Sources are provided, by way of links, for most of this nonsense, but be warned; some of the articles are glaringly stupid, and even quite racist.
1. Spongebob Squarepants - Never mind that he isn't even human, or white; university of Washington professor Holly M. Barker (who is white) claims he's a "violent, racist" colonizer. Why? He lives in Bikini Bottom, somewhere in the Bikini Atoll, which was used for nuclear testing, requiring the relocation of people living there. Never mind that the characters are all sea creatures, and have displaced no one. This dingbat goes on to claim that it's "cultural appropriation" to use items in the show that are commonly associated with island life, such as Hawaiian shirts, tikis, pineapple-shaped homes, and Easter Island statues.
2. Cold Weather - Yep, you read that correctly. Some imbecile named Damon Young actually wrote an article claiming just that. The claim is basically that black people avoid colder areas, for the most part, and that cold weather "possesses a changing agent that somehow makes black people even blacker." So, apparently snow is racist, too. Is the white t-shirt he mentions in the article also racist?
3. The Winter Olympics - Never mind that these sports mainly started in Scandinavian countries, and are popular in areas with a larger white population. Never mind that, according to the fellow discussed in #2, cold weather is apparently racist, and blacks supposedly avoid cold areas; apparently the small number of non-white athletes in these sports is somehow a sign of "racism".
4. The 2017 Solar Eclipse - The sun and moon are racists! So they claim, in an article printed by The Atlantic, by one Alice Ristroph. Her reasoning? Supposedly the totality passed over areas that are mostly not inhabited by black people.
5. The Air We Breathe - There are claims that whites are the sole cause of air pollution, and that said pollution is targeted to occur in non-white areas. Ridiculous, of course, but so are all such claims. An article in U.S.A. Today discusses a study that makes this very claim. I guess no non-whites drive cars, or use any energy whatsoever.
6. Decent Treatment of Dogs - Yep, being kind to your dog is now a sign that you might be a white supremacist. So claims the very confused Katja Guenther, Associate Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of California, Riverside. According to this person, who is obviously in need of a good shrink, only white people, middle- and upper-class, can properly care for dogs.
7. Dogs - Based on internet studies (that's right, no actual, in-person study of the dogs or owners themselves), a Psychology Today article claims that your dog can be a racist.
8. Babies - Apparently, there are idiots out there that think it's racism for babies to look at photos longer when the photos most resemble their own families.
Worse, there are some now claiming that it's only white babies and toddlers that are "racist".
Yet they wonder about motive in attacks on white children by non-whites.
9. Farmers' Markets - Two geology professors from San Diego State University claim that, “Farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized," and complain that non-whites can't manage such things.
10. Obesity - Researchers are claiming that black women who face "high experiences of racism" are more likely to be overweight. What people eat and underlying health issues apparently aren't factors at all; no, must be racism.
11. Hoop Earrings - Some Hispanics are claiming that these earrings, worn the world over for centuries, by people from many places - Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Nubia, Egypt, Greece, Etruria, Rome - are somehow only part of Hispanic culture, and that no one else should wear them.
12. Dr, Seuss Books - I am sure you've all heard about this one. But, have you seen the actual evidence? These claims are that showing someone of a particular race as looking like that race is somehow
"racism". For example, this picture -
...showing a Chinese man, in a traditional hat and eating with chopsticks, is somehow racism. But it's simply a portrayal of reality -
Chinese people and others in that part of Asia still wear such hats, and eating with chopsticks is definitely something from real Asian culture. There is nothing racist about it.
This picture shows an imaginary bird, carried by a couple of guys that look like African tribesmen of some sort. Racism? Not really:
This is an image of people of the Wodaabe tribe, located, I believe, in a CNN article.
This fellow is from the Mursi tribe, and the next is a Suri warrior. Both have rings on or at the ears.
So, what is racist about showing how people from other places might look?
Nothing, that's what. These books cause a child to want to see such places and people.
13. Baa Baa Black Sheep - Since no color can be named without someone screaming "racism!!", this isn't a surprise. People in both the U.K. and Australia decided this old nursery rhyme must be racist, though it's origin seems to be a wool tax.
14. Turkey Breast - I've made jokes about this, that someone would eventually claim white meat was racist, and now it's happened. It shouldn't come as any surprise that the fellow claiming this, Ron Rosenbaum, a college dropout and journalist, also makes anti-white racist comments about white bread, and treats all middle class people in a very derogatory fashion. Apparently, neither he nor anyone whose food he's eaten knows how to properly cook a turkey, or pork chops, either, since he claims both sorts of white meat are tasteless, like cardboard, dry, etc. He claims "white bread" is an insult, and he's right; racists have used it to deride white people for some time now, but this clown doesn't have any issue with that. Nope, but he sure does enjoy calling people racist for preferring white meat.
15. Hoop Skirts - Seems that being worn during the time of the Civil War is enough to claim that this garment is somehow "racist".
16. Brown Bag Lunches - Again, a color is mentioned, and idiots decide it has to be about race, because, gee, everything else in the world is clear and colorless, right? Oh, wait... Seems dimwits in Seattle have decided that brown paper bags are racist, claiming someone used them to compare to skin tones, in deciding who could attend parties. Never heard of such a thing, but hey, any excuse to scream and rant, right? They also claimed that "citizen" was offensive.
The University of Michigan agrees with Seattle, and calls "picnic" a racist term as well.
You'd think an "institute of higher learning" could find the actual root words, wouldn't you?
17. America is the Land of Opportunity - Yeah, that's "racist" now, too, since it disagrees with the Leftist claim that all whites are racist, and all "people of color" are victims of said racism. It's like a trial for witchcraft, really. Admit you are one, and you are condemned for it. Don't admit it, and you are condemned as a liar. There is no winning with such insanity. Tolerate this at your peril.
18. Public Decency - Some claim that a ban on sagging pants, with rear ends hanging out, is somehow "racist", since that's a part of black culture. Seems some would prefer to sag than to look professional, and perhaps have better odds at landing a good job.
19. Merry Christmas - CNN host Don Lemon, a certifiable racist, claimed that saying "Merry Christmas" was a "dog whistle" for white racists. Celebrating a Christian holiday, and being white, according to this clown, makes someone a "dog", and a racist one, apparently. Who's racist again?
20. The National Anthem - Yeah, that's right; Leftists think being patriotic is somehow "racist". We've all seen the BS from the sports teams kneeling in disrespect.
21. The Electoral College - Some claim that preserving the rights of every state, not just the most populous, is somehow "racist and sexist". They know it's not true, of course, but they want New York and California to decide every national election. "Flyover country" can go hang, apparently.
22. The Sports Industry - Yes, the same one that creates many, many black millionaires, and that seems to favor blacks over any other race, is somehow "racist".
23. Math - Yes, really. Some claim mathematics is somehow racist. Because white people developed math, and because blacks are apparently targeted "by math" with higher numbers of arrests, poor credit scores, etc., math must be "racist".
24. Hard Work - Professor Angela Putman of Pennsylvania State University claims that working hard to be successful is an "Ideology of whiteness". I wonder if she realized that she's calling anyone non-white lazy?
25. Discounted Barbie Dolls - So, a Walmart cuts the price of a darker-skinned Barbie, which apparently isn't selling as well, and race-baiters claim it's all about "devaluing" the darker-skinned dolls.
26. Owning a Gun - Yeah, even if you're not white, apparently Michael Moore thinks you're racist if you own guns for protection, because, gee, you must assume that anyone who invades your home will be black, and that's the only reason you'd want to protect yourself. Yes, he's really that stupid.
27. Black Holes, Devil's Food Cake, and Angel Food Cake - John Wiley Price, a Dallas commissioner who is black, demanded an apology for someone using the term "black hole", which is of course an astronomical term, claiming it was racist. He then claimed that devil's food and angel food cakes were as well, because the former is "black" (chocolate), and the latter white. He's not fond of "black sheep", either.
28. Science - So if math is racist, why not science? Why not all education? (Hold that thought.) Hallmark made a talking card that mentioned black holes (yes, those again, and some clowns with the NAACP decided it said "whores" instead of "holes", so it was "racist". It's not just that, however. some claim that any mention of race (unless they are labeling you as a racist) is racism, and that the very concept of race, in anthropology, medicine, genetics, or whatever, is "racist".
Oh, and some claim science is "racist" because it cannot explain "black magic".
29. Trees - Apparently, using trees and fencing to separate a golf course from a neighborhood is "racist" if the neighborhood happens to be black. City officials in Palm Springs decided to kill off the offending, evil trees.
30. Various Disney Movies - I hate to defend Disney, but this is ridiculous. The Little Mermaid is called "racist" because Sebastian has a Jamaican accent. Gee, I always thought it sounded nice, and musical, but apparently I was supposed to find it insulting. My favorite character in the whole film, and I didn't know I wasn't supposed to like him. Silly me. Dumbo is supposedly racist because it features some black men working hard to set up the circus (I guess work is racist?), and because the crows, that aided Dumbo and were helpful, spoke like black men. Song of the South is famous for Disney itself banning the movie, though it isn't racist at all. I own a copy, and saw it as a child as well. Uncle Remus is a wonderful character, the star of the whole show; a kindhearted older man, who befriends a couple of children and tells them wonderful stories about animals, while trying to aid them with personal issues. The white parents of one child are thinking of breaking up, not positively portrayed at all, and the brothers of the other white child are bullies. But people claim it's "racist" because he's living in the South, on a plantation, after the Civil War. Never mind that he's respected and loved by everyone around, never mind that he helps the family come back together, it must be "racism". Utter BS. It's a wonderful movie. Peter Pan dares to portray American Indians as, well, Indians. The children even dare to dress up as Indians themselves. Oh, the horror! I think we should demand that no Amerind person (I will not call them "Native Americans", as that is a racist term) dresses as white people do, and that they only wear their native styles. No cars, either, or electricity, and definitely no white mans' tax dollars. Fair is fair, right? Lady and the Tramp is claimed to be racist for having two Siamese cats, that act like well, cats. Gee, couldn't be because that particular breed is haughtier than some others; no, it must be some "anti-Asian" thing. Pfft! The Jungle Book is called racist because the monkeys don't speak well. Monkeys. Who is racist, again? Aladdin was considered racist for a line in the original version (they edit these things for the DVD releases...) that spoke of authorities cutting off ears. Because, gee, no one in the Middle East every did anything so barbaric. Oh, wait... Pocahontas was called racist for showing that some Indians were violent. Facts hurt, I suppose.
31. Milk - Yep, because of actual racial differences, that in this case mean a lot of blacks are lactose intolerant, milk must be racist. They even claim that people protesting vegan nonsense were using milk against blacks, instead.
It couldn't be that people are trolling the race-baiting idiots, no; it must be that milk is racist. I'd roll my eyes, but that's been called racist as well.
32. Military Camouflage - Yeah, for exactly the reason you'd expect; they claim it's "blackface". Apparently the Left would prefer soldiers get shot, because they can't conceal themselves properly.
33. Lucky Charms - Yes, the cereal. Some moronic college students (Don't ask me how they were admitted.) decided that the cereal portrays Irish Americans as leprechauns. Yes, really.
34. Being On Time - Ah, personal responsibility and simple courtesy; how "racist". Clemson University thinks so.
35. Being Nice - Yes, good manners are apparently only for white people. At least, according to a couple of race-baiting black women.
36. Charcoal Face Masks - Yeah, skin care is "racist" now.
In another case, students were forced to withdraw from their school over acne masks. Green masks, that dried dark. They didn't even share the photo on social media. Someone else did.
37. Eskimo Pies - How is ice cream derogatory? How is a name based on their own language derogatory? Oh, wait, it isn't!
38. Katy Perry Shoes - Shoes with eyes and mouths, meant to resemble surrealism art styles, that come in many colors, are called "racist" because the black ones supposedly look like "blackface". How desperate to be victims are people?
39. Chocolate Ducks - Even candy can be racist, apparently. A company called a dark chocolate duck "Ugly", after the Hans Christian Anderson tale, The Ugly Duckling, wherein a brown"duckling" (who wasn't a duck) was called "ugly" by other ducks. Some people demand that this is racism, regardless of any facts.
40. Coal Miners - Go out for a drink after work? Not if you mine coal, and have soot on your face! Apparently, that's "racist!!" now, too.
Some clown names Rashaad Thomas has decided this is offensive, regardless of context. Well, go be offended, bub. I don't care. Don't frequent the pub if you don't like their decor. Don't demand they change it because you're an oversensitive child, however.
41. Being or Supporting a White Basketball Player - No surprise here, is there? The sad thing is, the player told his own fans they were racists for supporting him. Well, likely former fans. Idiot.
42. Grading Homework - I guess the implication is that only whites can earn good grades? Now that's racist, but grading isn't. Some Clinton-era clown thinks it is, though.
He's not alone -
43. Ethnic Labels on Ethnic Foods - So, we can't label things in a way that makes sense? Mentioning race isn't racism, people.
44. Sleep - No, I am not making this up. Teen Vogue claims that black people are always sleep deprived, because of "racism". Apparently only black people don't get enough rest, and it's all "whitey's" fault, and they want reparations.
45. Rocks - Well, one rock, anyway, named for a geologist, because a newspaper from 1925, yeah, almost a century ago, used a possibly derogatory term to describe it in an article. The rock is to blame.
46. Bernie Sanders' Mittens - No explanation as to why, exactly, just a claim from a writer for the San Francisco Chronicle that the mittens and other winter gear were somehow signs that he couldn't connect with minorities. What, non-whites don't wear coats and mittens or gloves in the bitter cold? Really??
47. The "OK" Hand Sign and Cracking Your Knuckles - A Mexican-American man was fired for cracking his knuckles, because some black racist claimed it was the "OK" sign, which many claim is some white supremacist symbol. Utter nonsense, for both, but the man lost his job. The idiot that reported him claims that wasn't his intent, but who believes that?
48. Mugshots - San Francisco Police won't release them now, because, you guessed it, too many of the suspects are black or brown.
49. Cracker Barrel - Actual racists assume this is some "white supremacist" thing, ignoring the obvious (to anyone with a brain and some real education) reference to old country stores, where crackers were kept in barrels.
50. Being White - We all know the goal is to actually eliminate a race, and they aren't even shy about stating it these days. A teacher in Oklahoma told his class that "To be white is to be racist."
Long list, I know, and thanks for sticking with this if you've made it this far. I expected about half this number, but the list just kept growing, and I didn't even include some examples for which the links were missing. I am sure there are many more.
It's past time we stopped tolerating this insanity, this stupidity, this outright racism against one race. Anything white "must be racist" according to many. Statues are destroyed, jobs are lost, people are attacked, and all the while, the real racism is ignored by authorities. I'm sick of the whole thing. I won't condone it, and I won't ignore it. No one should.
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