Saturday, March 6, 2021

Racism is Real, but the Targets Aren't Who You Might Think

 We hear all the time how America is "racist", with claims of "white supremacy" everywhere, screaming about "cultural appropriation", demands to erase parts of our history and culture, claims of "hate crimes" that are typically fraudulent, and claims of some inherent "bias" against "people of color" by police and other authorities.  I'm here to tell you, it's a crock.  Utter BS.  Nonsense.  Lies on top of lies.  There is racism, for certain, but the vast majority of it isn't coming from white people; it's directed at them.  

Where is the evidence for this, you may ask?  Everywhere.  It's in commercials.  It's in movies.  It's in television shows.  It's in the crime stats.  It's in the public schools and universities.  It's in your face, blatant, aggressive, and real.  The people pushing it want one race eliminated, literally.  Meanwhile, they claim they are victims of the people they target, and elites foster and encourage this madness, even though they themselves end up as targets of the aggression they promote.  

I did mention proof, so let's start with this recent article, which I mentioned in the previous blog:

Nolte: Arizona Department of Education Teaches that White Babies and Toddlers Are Racist

The Arizona Department of Education wants its teachers to promote racial “equity and diversity” through an “anti-racist” program that promotes the idea that white babies and toddlers are racist.

Provided for teachers is an “equity and diversity” toolkit. Included in this toolkit, is the wild-eyed insanity that your white baby is racist.

Look at this garbage…



And this naked racism is aimed directly at white parents.

For example, one recommended piece of reading linked in the toolkit is titled “How White Parents Can Talk to Their Kids About Race.” It says, “White parents should begin addressing issues of race and racism early, even before their children can speak. Studies have indicated that infants as young as 3 months old can recognize racial differences.”

It warns, “Avoiding the topic rather than actively countering it with anti-racist attitudes and actions, simply opens the door for children to absorb bias from the world around them.”

For babies aged  — no joke — 0-2, this same article stresses that “White parents should make sure that their children see them interact in close, warm, intimate, trusting, and caring relationships with individuals whose race and ethnicity differs from their own.”

Additionally, there’s the “importance of creating a home environment that challenges broader societal messages privileging whiteness, whether it’s through board books with characters of color, artwork in the house or even the people invited over.”

This sounds like satire, but it’s not a joke. This is what the Arizona Department of Education wants you to teach babies and children. But only white babies and children. For it is white babies who are the problem — white babies and white toddlers and white parents.

So what we have here is the Arizona Department of Education teaching and spreading blatant racism, teaching children that whites are so awful and evil, unless there’s a concerted intervention, their babies and toddlers will grow up racist.

Naturally, another piece of recommended reading in the toolkit is “Why Teaching Black Lives Matter Matters,” which means “teaching second-graders about Black Lives Matter.”

So Arizona wants its teachers teaching second-graders that Black Lives Matter, a full-blown domestic terrorist group, is a good and noble thing.

Listen up… You have to homeschool. This evil racism is not going away. The fascist Woke Nazis are now in power, are emboldened, and are desperate to poison white children with self-loathing, while they poison minority children with the lie that they cannot succeed in this country.

How can you succeed in a country where white people are so evil, their babies are evil!!

You have to pull your children out of these government-run schools. This evil cannot be fixed, reasoned with, or eradicated.

Nothing will ever change.

The left controls the public schools, which leaves you with no choice other than to disengage entirely.

Save your children while you still can.

This is not a drill.

 As usual, Nolte hits the mail on the head.  Babies...racist...if they are white...gee, how far is this from demands to just murder them?  Oh, wait, we've seen that as well!

Black Nurse Says White Babies Should Be Killed, Regrets It After Seeing Who Heard Her

Nurse That Wants All White Male Babies Killed Just Learned Her Fate 

BLM Leader Says Whites ‘Sub-Human,’ Should Be ‘Wiped Out’

King Samir Shabazz: Bomb White Churches and Kill White Babies 

In case you have forgotten, that's the fellow in this case - 

Black Panther Boss Who Got Off For Voter Intimidation Arrested 

That's not all:

Rapper Writes Of Killing White Babies And Hanging People

Kill 'All White' Men, Women, Babies, Blind, Cripple, Fa**ots, Lesbians & Old Crackers, Says New Black Panthers Vile Radio Opening; Then 'Dig 'Em Up' & 'Kill 'Em Again 

Sometimes, they actually carry out attacks, such as this one, where no one will ever discuss motive:

CNN finally ‘pressured’ into covering story of Cannon Hinnant, five-year-old ‘executed’ by black neighbor 

Second arrest made in connection with alleged murder of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant 

Or this one, where the boy lived:

Mall of America attacker gets 19 years for throwing boy over railing

Still more:

Black Man Murders Four-Year-Old White Child in Targeted Attack. Does Anyone in the Media Care?

I didn't catch this in the media when it happened.  Did you?

'I'm sick of this little b****': Daycare worker admits killing eight-month-old girl by suffocating her with a blanket after complaining she wouldn't sleep as CCTV shows dying child thrashing her legs to escape 

Leah Walden shown above, the murderer.

Reese Bowman, the victim.

Imagine the media firestorm if the races were reversed.

Some online commentary on that case:

Black daycare worker tortures white baby to death 

So why isn't this a topic of discussion when racism is mentioned?  The media spent months talking about the fake Jussie Smollett case, and weeks, at least, on the fake Nascar noose, and we hear how burglars, "jogging" repeatedly inside a home, or violent druggies who hold guns to the stomachs of pregnant women, are "victims" of racism, but we don't hear about these actual cases of racism, where children and babies are the targets?  Who is racist, again?  We have colleges and universities teaching that "whiteness" should be eliminated - 

College Offers 'Problem of Whiteness' Course 

 University hosts 12-Step recovery program for WHITENESS

University offers ‘Problematizing Whiteness’ course  

New York public college offering course called 'Abolition of Whiteness' 

University stands by ‘Problem of Whiteness’ course 

Ivy League University Offers Rock Climbing Class — No White Students Allowed 

Even businesses are going all racist:

'Try to be less white': Coca-Cola hit with backlash over 'confronting racism' training course  

Report: Under Armour Forced White Employees to Undergo ‘Antiracist’ Reeducation Program 

 It's in the public schools, too.

CA School Board Trustee Calls Return to In-Person Learning ‘White Supremacist Ideology,’ ‘Slavery’ 

Why is this being tolerated?  Why is a race that is an actual minority in the world, that is responsible for most of the modern innovations of our time, for amazing architecture and works of art, for much of what we call modern civilization, being targeted and treated as bad? 

I could write an entire blog on the issue of "cultural appropriation".

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