A little time has past, since we entered a new year and a new decade, but its a safe bet that many are still reeling from the year gone by. 2020 was something else, literally, in so many ways, it's been hard to keep track of everything that's happened, and many very strange stories slipped under the radar, or were forgotten in the face of so much other stories of terrible thing, shocking events, unrest, and on and on and on. Oh, yeah, and we had a global pandemic, with measures put into place like nothing ever before seen in the known history of the world.
Well, in the interest of remembering the stranger stuff, and perhaps as a way to move past the more depressing, I've collected as many of the odd and unusual stories for the year 202 that I can find. They're freaky, they're kooky, they're creepy, and they all happened in one year. What planet is this again? Anyone else feel like the whole world slipped into the Twilight Zone, due to some rare and weird orbit or something? If you don't feel that way yet, read on, and you just might change your mind!
This list isn't about celebrities, or politics, or, mostly, the stupid pandemic mess, and is instead about all sorts of other strange things. Most of these, I heard about when they happened, but the year was so bizarre, I forgot about a few. One or two, I might have missed. Without further ado, here is a breakdown, by month, of the strangest news I could collect. Hold onto your hats, and welcome to the 2020 review!
January -
The year didn't start off well, with massive wildfires in Australia, a bogus impeachment charge, locust swarms in Africa, and Coronavirus being revealed in China, but there was much more you might have missed, such as -
Mystery drones seen over Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming
Apparently, people in rural areas were seeing fleets of drones, some as big as cars, flying in grid patterns at night. They seemed to have an impressive range and speed, flying as high as 800 feet (250 meters), flying over the horizon, and as fast as 60mph! They seem to be remarkably silent as well. Authorities claim "most" (though they list low numbers of the report as such) are hobbyist drones, or stars, planes, and weather phenomena. Sounds like they took lessons from Project Blue Book guys, eh?
Annual snowball fight in Vancouver was postponed...due to snow. Yes, really.

Apparently, you can have too much snow for a good fight. At least they'd have no shortage of ammunition! Ah, but that's an issue for 2021...
February -
While we did get to see a serious creep arrested, in the form of Weinstein, that's not the weird news for the month. Nope, there is much more, much weirder news!
Human tongues were located in the crawlspace underneath a Florida home.
No, not the home of some demented serial killer, as it turns out, but the former home of a pathologist who was doing research, and stored them there since it was cool. When he divorced, and the ex renovated the house, she didn't even know they were beneath it. Imagine the poor contractor's expression!
Then there was the flat earther who decided to try and prove the world was flat, by launching himself in a homemade rocket.
Seems the fellow was a bitof a daredevil, and known for having wild theories. The launch itself went alright, but all three chutes failed, for no known reason, and that was the end of the poor man.
Next up, a talented squirrel was banned from water skiing.
Seems some talent-less folks claimed it was abusing animal rights, and since the squirrel was a wild trained one, the performances had to stop. Personally, I suspect he was having fun! Be sure to watch the video!
March -
By this time, the virus is supposedly all over, Italy has actually imposed a national lockdown, various Leftist mandates are crashing the stock market, and the Summer Olympics (if anyone bothers watching them with the "gender" nonsense these days) are "postponed for a year" (,,,and, yeah, let's see if that ever happens...). Add to this, of course...
TP shortages all over, because of an upper respiratory illness.
Yes, people were really the that crazy! That wasn't the only shortage, either, and not only other paper products, but many food items became scarce. Canned meats, baking goods, baked goods, meats, cleaning supplies, and more, all scarce, as though the world was ending. That's right,folks, in preparing for what was not a zombie apocalypse, people stated acting like mindless zombies.
Meanwhile, goats take over a Welsh town.
Apparently, the deserted town center looked too good to resist, so they took control.
Also, a Thai town was taken over by monkeys.
Personally, I think I'd prefer the goats. These macaque monkeys are typically used as a sort of tourist attraction, with people buying food to feed them, so when there weren't any tourists, they weren't getting the usual food supply, they got a bit demanding. Different groups of monkeys are even clashing with one another. Who had Planet of the Apes for March?
April -
The final year of the second decade in this new millennium was really rolling by now, with all sorts of madness. Chernobyl caught fire, NYC had more CV cases than any country in the world, and lockdowns were really starting to take a toll, except in the source city for the virus, which actually ended its own lockdown.
Meanwhile, the United States government admits that UFOs are real, and releases video!
That's right, folks, they actually released video from Navy planes tracking UFOs. What most of us call an Unidentified Flying Object, they have dubbed an Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon, or UAP. Aliens? No one seems to know, though some have claimed we also have contact with those.
Then there was the time a robot gorilla found out gorilla sings in choirs.
For the first time, footage of singing gorillas was captured, and the weirdest part was that it was a robot gorilla that did the filming. The goal was to observe without a human present, which is believed to alter the behavioral patterns of animals. Well, they sure got some cool footage of that!
Across the pond, super pigs wreak havoc in Canada.
Seems the meat market slowed three decades ago, forcing pig farmers to release their livestock into the wild, where it was assumed they wouldn't survive long, due to harsh winters. These porkers can reach a whopping 600lbs., and tend to have large litters. Now, they are devouring crops, attacking local wildlife, and destroying grasslands. They are also very dangerous to people.
These vicious pigs can be hunted at will, as they are so hard to kill.
May -
No visions of a pleasant Spring for 2020, nope! Instead, along with a lot of race-related rioting, we got...
Murder Hornets!
These nasty critters are two inches long - that's roughly the length of my thumb! - and have a penchant for killing honey bees. The sting could be lethal to some people as well. They can even sting through beekeeper suits. Now that's bad!
Planet of the Apes, Redux?
Monkeys in India stole blood samples of people suspected of carrying the virus, attacking people, climbing trees, and throwing the samples. Life imitates art?
Meanwhile, Blue Dragon Sea Slugs invade Texas!
These little things might look cool, but they are quite dangerous. People around Padre Island, a popular resort area for Texans, were in serious danger from these little monsters. They prey in the Portuguese man o' war jellyfish, and store the venom for their own use. The creepiest part is that it was a seven-year-old boy who discovered one. Fortunately, he was unharmed.
Meanwhile, back in NYC, cannibal rats were now a problem.
Deprived of their usual garbage sources, due to restaurants being shut down, and people staying home by government mandates, New York's furry residents started eating their own, and also behaving very aggressively. In Chicago, they've been reported as entering more homes, for the same reason. Feel safe in that city?
June -
Other than a dementia patient being the DNC nominee for president, this month was fairly quiet, except for...
A strange deep space radio burst sending a signal every 157 days.
The signals are reported to be coming from a dwarf galaxy. Now that's some serious long distance!
July -
Along with more mask madness, Twitter being hacked, and Epstein's madame being arrested, This month had more weirdness, in keeping with the year to date.
Black sludge floods Arizona
The flash flood was carrying debris from wildfires that raged through Pima County, giving it the creepy black color. After everything else in 2020 to date, residents must have wondered what was happening.
Then there were the mystery seeds.
People in the United States and Canada started receiving unsolicited packets of seeds in the mail, and some were foolish enough to just plant them!
The USDA even stated they seem to be coming from China. Yeah, same country that caused all of the virus madness. What sort of idiot would plant those???
Who had zombie cicadas for July?
Yes, really. The insects become infected with a parasitic fungus, which spreads like a buggy STD. Creepy enough for you?
August -
Masks are still everywhere, even though it's not cold and flu season, Harris is chosen for DNC's VP candidate (definitely one of the worst bits of news for the year!), there is a massive explosion in Beiruit, and wildfires devastate the West Coast, but there was some sweet news this month.
Chocolate snow falls in Switzerland.
If they made this a regular attraction, imagine the increase in tourism! The Lindt chocolate factory in Olten had a problem. A defect in the ventilation system in the area where they roast "cocoa nibs" caused chocolate to be blasted from the factory, covering the surrounding area in a nice layer of chocolate powder. No harm to anyone, and what a nice treat in such a terrible year!
The company even offered to pay for any cleanup necessary.
September -
Since dictators never willingly give up power, kids were being schooled at home, Ginsberg finally died, and mandate madness continued, but not alone. Still plenty of weird, in this wild and weird year.
Millions upon millions of moths were in Vancouver, alarming residents. They have such "outbreaks"(and what a chice term for 2020...) every so often, but they can take unknowing people by surprise. Harmless, but people freak out about the littlest things in these trying times.British Zoo removes cursing parrots.
The Lincolnshire Wildlife Park adopted the birds, and quarantined them together, so the birds spent that time teaching one another to curse. Not an uncommon issue, they say, but worse this time since there were several birds together. Well, when you pick pirate pets, what can you expect?
Ice Age bear discovered in Russia, perfectly preserved.
Now this is cool, no pun intended! An entire carcass, anywhere from 25000-55,000 years old, "found on the Lyakhovsky Islands, part of the New Siberian Islands in remote northeast Russia." I love this sort of story.
October -
While gleeful, evil Leftists were wishing ill on the president, who tested positive for CV and was fully recovered three days later, we had even more evil happening. Well, it was October...
Priest films his threesome in a Louisiana church.
Yikes! That face alone should have scared away would-be parishioners. What he did, though, was vile. The creep brought in two dominatrix types, and recorded their activities, which tool place on the church altar. Sickening, for certain, and the altar was destroyed. The local archbishop rightly called the actions "deplorable and demonic". Horror story 2020.
In NYC, a man fell into a rat-filled sinkhole.
I did say "October" and "horror", remember. Yes, NYC, city of the cannibal rats, and this poor man was stuck in a sinkhole full of them for a good half hour. Imagine, you're waiting on a bus, and the ground beneath your feet opens up, dumping you into a rat-filled hole. He was afraid to even call for help, fearing they would enter his mouth. 12-15 feet down. Poor fellow might never be the same again.
Oh, and the moon is apparently wet.
Could the year be any weirder? Well, now that you ask...
November -
As if the election wasn't enough horror for the world, this month brought on even stranger news. Very strange.
Monolith found in Utah, vanishes.
Looking like something out of an Arthur C. Clarke novel, the mysterious structure was discovered by government types surveying sheep populations, in a remote area of Utah, on November 18'th. By the 27'th, it was gone, and no one knows who removed it, who put it there in the first place, why, or much of anything else. Speculation, though, is wild, and varied, and it gets weirder.
More monoliths appear, around the world, and while some are known to be publicity stunts, admitted, others are as mysterious as the first.
Some claim the original was there as of 2016, the year President Trump was elected. Then it vanishes after the 2020 election.
Anyone have zombie minks for November?
Virus-infected minks, maybe, rising from their graves. Buried a meter down, rising out of their graves, and oh, yeah, they could contaminate the local water supply, too.
Eel bursts from heron, alien-style.
I thought October horror was over? Apparently not. Poor bird...
December -
In Trinidad and Tobago, after being gunned down along with his father in their home, this poor fellow was banned from his own funeral, after being embalmed in a seated position, and placed on a chair for the funeral procession. To add even more insult, some mask Karens admonished the dead guy for not wearing one. The poor guy's brother was shot dead in July, too. But, sure, let's all worry that he's in a chair, and not wearing a mask.********************************************************
Well, that's my list, for what was definitely the weirdest year I've seen in my lifetime. For me, that says a lot, too. I tend to like weird, as a rule, but this was ridiculous. There's good weird, and then there's 2020 weird. 2020 was clown world weird. I don't like clown world. I want to get off.
Anyway, hope you've enjoyed the recap, and please, post and share any additional stories, inks, and pictures, that you recall and that I might have missed. It was a wild ride, and I don't think it's over yet. Hang onto your hats!
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