Thursday, October 10, 2019

Time to Ditch the UN!

This sort of thing should be enough to make any sensible person realize that we need to remove ourselves from the United Nations, and remove the United Nations from our country.  Check the actual numbers listed in this article:

Pay freeze at the UN? Trump administration owes the United Nations $1 billion

According to this, the United States "owes" the UN about 1,055,000,000.  Yes, that's one BILLION, FIFTY-FIVE MILLION dollars.  They claim that two thirds of other ember nations are all paid up, to the tune of "nearly two billion", for 129 countries.  So, according to the UN, the United States somehow owes as much as 65+ other countries combined?  For what, exactly?  What does the UN do for us?  Nothing, as far as I can see, except waste our money, and take up spce in valuable real estate.

Time to ditch the UN.  Past time.

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