A middle school girl in Overland Park, Kansas, is facing a felony charge for allegedly making her hand into the shape of a gun and pointing it at classmates.
NBC News reports that an unidentified individual “felt threatened” by the girl’s action and “used the school’s online anti-bullying app to alert administrators.” An investigation followed, which led to the school’s resource officer being told and the girl being arrested.
The Kansas City Star reports that the girl made a gun out of her hand–by pointing her finger–after another classmate allegedly asked her to name five people she would kill if she could. “In response, the girl allegedly pointed her finger pistol — like the ones many children use playing cops and robbers.” She allegedly pointed her hand at four classmates, then herself.
The student was charged with making a “criminal threat,” which is a felony.
Johnson District Court documents show claims that the girl “unlawfully and feloniously communicated a threat to commit violence, with the intent to place another, in fear, or with the intent to cause the evacuation, lock down or disruption in regular, ongoing activities.”
How in the world does a pointed finger constitute a threat? Why would such a gesture ever cause an evacuation, or a lock down? How fragile are people, that something we did as children, playing games, can now be construed as a threat warranting an arrest of a child???
This is beyond insane. The parents of this girl need to file a massive lawsuit, against the school, and the police, for this nonsense. Did they arrest the person who asked her the question? How about any other students involved in the conversation? Where is the actual threat? What, a kid can't express that there are people she doesn't like, without being arrested?
Why do people continue to place their children into institutions that are used to indoctrinate them, and treat them as prisoners?
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