This isn't a new topic, per se, and the links that will be posted are definitely not new, but it's something I feel needs to be discussed more. I've studied various candidates for the role of the Antichrist for many years now, looking to see who fit Biblical criteria, who didn't, what to look for, etc. Many people have been suggested as possible candidates, but most I've looked into didn't really fit, in too many ways. One person, though, does fit, in every way we can know before that person is fully revealed. Anyone who has read my posts for a while likely already knows who I mean, but I will share my reasons, for any not familiar.
This person came to my attention, as he likely did for most of you, back in 2005, as a newly elected junior United States senator. Unknown to most before then, he was, for some inexplicable reason, suddenly the recipient of all sorts of media attention. I thought that was very odd, since I'd never seen any other junior senators discussed so much, and I decided to look into who he was, and see if I could figure out why. Another thing I noted was, I got a very bad feeling about the guy. If you are familiar with discernment, as a Biblical spiritual gift, you will understand what I mean. That's the primary gift I have, and it's strong, according to several spiritual gifts tests. At any rate, something about this guy just seemed very "off", creepy, spooky, bad. BAD. The feeling you might get from looking at a photo of a serial killer, or a brutal dictator, or anyone with that evil in their eyes, I got from him, but far stronger than anything I've ever felt from anyone, in my entire life. I knew nothing about him at the time, either, so there was no way this was a tainted opinion.
Well, I did research, and discovered that, oddly for someone so suddenly the center of attention, there wasn't much information available on him at all. Next to nothing. All I could determine was he'd gained two prior political positions apparently due to his opposition having to drop out, due to some claimed scandal, that seemed to vanish once they were out of the picture. To me, the information made him look rather sketchy, not like someone you'd trust. Then he decided to run for president.
Some of you might recall that there was a lot of speculation about him, a lot of questions. We still haven't seen his school enrollment records, or his passport application, or, as far as I am concerned, a real birth certificate. I don't believe he's eligible to serve as president, and neither did a lot of other people, including our current president. There is video, even, of both he and his "wife" stating he's from Kenya.
If you don't want to watch the entire second video, go to the 3:19 mark, if it doesn't load there already. There is some interesting commentary in his part in there, however. He also stated this -
One honest statement....
Not only did we have all of the questions about his birth certificate, we also had them about his school records and attendance, his passport application, his possible Indonesian citizenship, his name change, from Barry Soetero, and even his Social Security number. Regarding that, it was stated to have been apparently issued in a state where he never even lived. Now, I did research, and know for a fact that many of my own family members had numbers that did, in fact, indicate the state in which they were issued. I am talking about at least 9-10 people that I checked. It used to be that part of the number served that purpose. Interestingly, right after people started questioning his SSN, the Social Security Administration altered the rules, and changed the way numbers were assigned, claiming they are now "random", and don't indicate location at all. I saw the changes take place in their online site, on that issue. Very convenient, eh? Almost like he didn't want the trust disclosed....
A Possible Explanation for Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number
Obama’s Social Security Number Fraud Evidence Goes to Judge Who Blocked Illegal Amnesty
We started hearing more about him, too, regarding his past. Allegations of homosexuality were revealed, and mysterious deaths of people that were close to him before he took office:
Three Members of Obama’s Church Killed
Meet Larry Sinclair: The Man With Whom Barack Obama Enjoyed Sex & Cocaine
Oh, and there is this....
She died two seeks later, unexpectedly...
Add in this more recent oddity....
Michelle Obama reveals daughters were conceived by IVF
I have yet to see a pregnant photo of Michelle O. Not one. You have to wonder....
Those weren't the only odd deaths associated with O, either -
A List of Suspicious Deaths Connected To The Obama Administration
His administration was plagued with scandals, as well, and many thought he should be impeached.
Then things started to get interesting, and people started wondering if he was, in fact, the Antichrist. One person accused him openly.
This was reported, during the 2008 election season -
This happened right after the election -
This video was originally posted elsewhere on YT, but vanished, no explanation, and I located it reposted by someone else:
I checked the Biblical references, and believe this is accurate. Please, check them for yourselves.
Blue Letter Bible - good resource for word roots as well
Add this, which I also researched, and found to be accurate, based on online Hebrew dictionaries:
There is more:
A fatal head wound – Revelation 13:3
Tons of "artwork" and photos showing him as a messiah figure started showing up as well -
Plenty of oddities here, too. I don't call any of the claimed "prophets" included in one of these videos such a thing, but the data on the Superbowl stuff is seriously weird, and worth mention:
Odd, I know, but everything about the guy is odd.
Even his name spelling has been an issue. When he first hit the news, every site that mentioned him spelled his first name "Barak", and then, after about a year, it was changed to "Barack", and there was little real explanation as to why. Now, I can't even find it mentioned that it changed at all. Even weirder...
Much strangeness, so many things wrong, and so many details that make him all the more sinister. Now, you can think this is way too far down the rabbit hole, if you like, or that it's all just politically motivated, but you should consider the data. The Word of God gives us details for a reason, that we can watch, and be aware, and be prepared. Whether this is all enough evidence, you'll have to decide for yourself. I recommend prayer, time spent in the reading of the Bible, and careful research of your own. There are surely plenty of people who refute what is shown here, claiming it's wrong for various reasons, so be sure to do the research. Personally, based on everything I've stated, and all the evidence I've presented, with more I've likely forgotten, I find the case compelling. I believe he bears watching.
Please, share your own opinions, and any information you locate that is relevant as well. Apologies for the length, and I know it's a lot to watch and read, but I wanted to get all of the data together, for discussion and debate. We can discuss other possible candidates as well, if someone wants to add information on them. The goal is to be watchful, as the Word of God tells us to do, and aware of the spiritual issues relevant to our time. Obviously,the whole topic is one of Christian interest, so anyone who isn't might not want to spend time on this one, and that's alright. Rambling now, so posting, and looking forward to your opinions.
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