While I've known for some time that the Left isn't really concerned about actual science, as evidenced by their embrace of "man-made global warming" nonsense, just how stupid and inconsistent they are has really been brought home recently. How, you ask? Allow me to explain.
Let's start with genetics. The study of genetics is one of the most fascinating things to be introduced, as far as I am concerned, in modern science. There is so much we can learn, so many things we can do, with this information. We can better understand why we are who we are, better address diseases that are influenced by genetics, solve crimes, and so forth. The more we learn, the more we realize just how much there is to still learn, as well. They've uncovered levels of genetic coding that were previously not known to exist. Fascinating stuff.
Of course, with anything cool, there will always be those who want to misuse the information, the tech, the tool, whatever. We see this with many things. The internet is a great too for information sharing and communication, but is misused, and more people are concerned with social media and propaganda, or the latest celebrity nonsense, than in real communication with people they know, or real information gathering, real learning. Guns are awesome tools for self defense, real equalizers that make physically weaker people able to defend themselves against stronger individuals who would do them harm. Yet guns can also be used by those lusting after power, or by criminals. The tools aren't bad, in these examples; it's the people who are the problem. We cannot change people by restricting tools. We can only change people by changing their hearts.
That, now, is a key issue for this discussion. Bear with me, please. The Left, as a group, has a heart issue, a real spiritual problem. Evil is embraced over good, and that's the key for this topic. Instead of using science as a tool to bring real knowledge, they use it as a propaganda weapon. How, you ask again?
Well, I'll tell you, and thanks for being patient. There is, simply put, no real standard. Two issues recently have brought this to my mind. One is the whole "trans" business, and the other is race. Two hot button issues, and both seeing "science" used as a tool for propaganda. The way the Left uses science for these issues shows that they are nowhere near honest, are grossly inconsistent, and clearly have no idea about real science at all.
I will start with race. You'd think this would be a simple topic. Race is something we can all recognize as real, I learned in school, as most of you likely did as well, that there were three races - Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. Some later added on a fourth, Australoid. These are based on some pretty clear differences, which can be used in forensics to identify remains, and which are important for the medical field, as the different races have certain issues more or less likely to affect embers of each particular race. While any people are of mixed race, we generally can tell, with most people, to which race their genetics primarily belong.
However, in the "politically correct" world of today, people are now being told there aren't really any races. All of those things that ake us all human, they claim, mean there are no racial differences. It's stupid, I know, but a lot of people buy into this nonsense. Because some things are the same across the races, they claim, we can't define race at all, and are supposed to believe that race is just some social construct. Forget all of the medical issues related to race, and all of the forensic data, just toss that out, because, gee, race isn't real. Unless, of course, you are white, and then you qualify as something less than human, according to these idiots.
Now, let's discuss the trans issue. Here, conversely to the race issue, we are being told that genetics don't matter at all. "XY chromosomes? So what! You can sill be a woman. Really!" That's what they want us to believe. Genetics don't matter. Biology doesn't matter. All that matters is feelings. The same science they will misrepresent to claim their is no race, they also completely ignore to claim there is no set "gender", and to claim one can change their biological sex. Here, they claim biological sex, being male or female, is also a social construct. At least they are consistent in that regard.
Science, though? Not even close. You can't ignore genetics regarding biological sex, and misrepresent the same genetics when trying to pretend there are no races. There is no logic in holding to such positions. None. Regarding race, they are basically doing the equivalent of claiming there are no different breeds of dogs. Everyone knows a chihuahua and a Saint Bernard are the same species, but no one with even half a brain would argue that they weren't very different breeds. In that case, the breeds exist because people deliberately bred toward certain characteristics. For human races, geographical separations and other environmental influences came into play, and brought about racial differences. This isn't complicated, but the Left sure wants you to think it is.
For the whole trans thing, it's about pushing perversion, and attacking women, not about science. "Attacking women?", you say? Yes, and this is why. I'l start by saying I love men. This isn't some anti-male rant, by any means. Men are awesome. I love the way they look, their strength, their focus, their capabilities, and so forth. Men are important. Men aren't wrong for being male. Soy boy types makes me nauseous. That said, this trans stuff is anti-female. Yes, anti-male, too, to some degree, but anti-female in a very real sense. The whole homosexual agenda is anti-male and anti-female. It's anti-creation, really, an affront to how God created us. That's a given. The trans stuff, though, is more targeted against women, I believe. The biggest issues for this group seem to be to push into locker rooms, changing rooms, and restrooms with biological females, and also to compete against real females in various sports. In both cases, women are at risk. These trans dudes are often not attracted to other men, and are often predators. The athletes can do a lot of physical damage to a woman in a physical competition, and have done so.
Those who read the blog regularly likely already caught some of the race-related discussion, and can understand why I mention that again. The other has been brought up recently by a couple of disturbing articles. I'll share the links, and you can read th articles for yourselves.
Mattel Introduces ‘Gender-Neutral’ Barbie Doll Line
International Olympic Committee Delays Transgender Rules After Scientists Disagree on Issues
Be warned, this stuff might make you sick.
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