Monday, September 30, 2019

Women in the Church - The Controversy

Since this topic seems to be causing a lot of debate and animosity among some posters here, and since the subject is being debated in some arenas, I have decided to start a thread on the subject.  This is something I've studied in the past, and have seen debated in a church setting, so it's not new to me.  This issue can cause division among believers, as well, and that is something that should be addressed.  Christians should stand on Biblical truth, united in this, but we often do not manage that as well as perhaps we could.  So, here in my virtual living room, let's talk about the issue. 

This may not interest non-Christian posters, and I'm sorry if that's the case, but you are welcome to discuss as well, and share your opinions.  For the debate itself, I ask that all claims on the issue be supported by Biblical references.  Posting the verse, reference, and translation used, will help us all to stay on the same page.  If you want to reference other sources, be sure to add the links for those, as well.  And, this being my virtual living room, I do expect some decency in behavior.  You can be serious in your points, you can joke around, you can disagree, and debate.  Try, as much as possible, to avoid attacking the poster, though, and focus on the issue, instead.  And, no, I don't consider calling out bad behavior to be an attack, so if you think someone is behaving badly, addressing that is alright. But try to be nice. 

Alright, now to the issue at hand.  The whole subject is up for debate because of a passage in the Bible, specifically, 1 Timothy 2:9-15.  Here is the entire chapter, which isn't that long:

 1 Timothy Chapter 2

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.

8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
1 Timothy King James Version (KJV)

I tend to post from the King James Version, so my links for verses will be to an online KJV source. 

This passage is believed by many to mean that women should not hold leadership positions in churches, as pastors, or teaching men, as that would place them in authority over the men.  This doesn't mean women can't be part of a church service, or cannot share their beliefs, by any means.  This simply addresses the teaching/preaching in the church, the leadership of said church, etc.  There are some who want to claim this isn't true, and that women can be pastors, lead classes of men, and so forth, but there is no solid Biblical support for that claim.  While researching this since the debate began here, I came across an article that attempted to explain why the traditional interpretations of this passage were incorrect, and which could be a source for those making the claims elsewhere.  I have not, at the time of this writing, seen those specific debates, nor any sources used, but I'd guess the arguments toward women preaching and teaching would be similar to those in that article.  I will share the link for that, for reference, though I need to state right now that I believe they are mistaken.

5 Reasons to Stop Using 1 Timothy 2:12 Against Women

It should be noted that this article is posted to a website whose purpose is to defend the idea of women pastors and the like.  They state:

We provide a multi-author platform for those exploring and committed to the inclusion of women in leadership in the Christian church and for mutuality in marriage. This is sometimes called the biblical egalitarian position.
We believe that when interpreted correctly, the Bible teaches that both men and women are called to serve at all levels of the Church, and that leadership should be based primarily on gifting and not on gender.

They also claim:

The Junia Project is named for Junia, a woman apostle in the early church (see Romans 16:7). Her ministry in partnership with Andronicus and Paul reminds us that God’s intention is for men and women to partner together as equals in the home, the church, and the community.

This is not accurate, however.  There is nothing whatsoever in Romans 16 to indicate that Junia was an apostle.  She is listed among other greetings, as someone respected, but never stated to be an apostle, and assuming such, with literally no mention of her elsewhere int he Bible, is adding to the Word of God, which we are told specifically we should not do.  Instead, we should look for the most reasonable explanation, and trust in what God's Word tells us elsewhere, as in 1 Timothy, instead of disregarding that passage because some find it uncomfortable.  Likewise, that passage should not be used to demand that women never share their faith, or speak at any time in a church setting.  There are times for women to be heard, just not for preaching, or teaching men.  Women can join in praise, can teach other women and children, and even share prophecy, if so gifted, or other gifts as they have been given, to the benefit of all in the church.  I located a pretty good article on this issue, which breaks it down quite well:

Phoebe, Prisca and Junia: Three Women in the Eye of the Evangelical Storm

In Romans 16 the Apostle Paul mentions three women who have been recently become the subject of a great deal of conversation and controversy in the evangelical church.
Who are these women?
What does Paul say about them?
What impact should these statements have on our understanding of gender and ministry?

Phoebe: A Servant (Deacon?) Of The Church In Cenchreae

I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae, that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints, and help her in whatever she may need from you, for she has been a patron of many and of myself as well. (Romans 16:1–2 ESV)
Church historians have long believed that Phoebe was the person who delivered Paul’s letter to the Romans. She is mentioned as “a servant of the church at Cenchreae”. Cenchreae was a port city near Corinth where Paul was located while writing Romans. It seems that she was a wealthy woman and that she had a well established reputation for generous service among the saints.
It is clear from Paul’s mention of her in Romans 16:1 that Phoebe had some recognized standing within the church; but what was her role specifically? How you answer that question, in large part, depends on which English translation you are using. The 2011 NIV has Paul saying: “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae” (Romans 16:1 NIV11-GK).
The ESV renders the same verse: “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae” (Romans 16:1 ESV).
The controversy has to do with the correction translation of the Greek word diakonos.  The word technically does mean “servant”, but in the course of church history it came to refer to the office of “deacon”. In what sense then should it be understood here? Thomas Schreiner contends that:
it is likely that she held the office of deacon… for this is the only occasion in which the term diakonos is linked with a particular local church. [1]
He goes on, however, to remind his readers that they must be cautious about reading modern notions of the deaconate back into a first century text. Leon Morris, a convictional egalitarian [2], offers similar counsel:
the social conditions of the time were such that there must have been the need for feminine church workers to assist in such matters as the baptism of women or anything that meant contact with women’s quarters in homes. The form of expression here makes it more likely that an official is meant than the more general term “servant”, though in view of the wide use of the term for the general concept of service this is far from being proved. [3]
It seems reasonable then to suggest that Phoebe was credited as some sort of recognized officer of the church in Cenchreae. This office was likely focused on ministry to women and may have extended to the care of orphans, widows and the sick.

Prisca: My Fellow Worker In Christ Jesus

Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well. Greet also the church in their house.  (Romans 16:3–5 ESV)
Our appreciation of Prisca, or Priscilla as she is known in Acts, is greatly aided by the additional narrative that is supplied in Luke’s Acts Of The Apostles. In Acts 18 for example we are told:
After this Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. And he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome. And he went to see them, and because he was of the same trade he stayed with them and worked, for they were tentmakers by trade. (Acts 18:1–3 ESV)
Later on in the same chapter, Luke tells us that she and her husband had a positive influence on Apollos, who later became a well known preacher in the church.
He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. (Acts 18:26 ESV)
The fact that Paul mentions Prisca first in Romans 16, before her husband, has been suggested by some to mean that she was more knowledgeable than her husband. Thomas Schreiner notes:
This hypothesis may be true, although it is impossible to verify it. [4]
Leon Morris thinks it just as likely that it suggests she was of more noble birth than her husband.
What can be said for sure is that she worked alongside her husband in planting churches with the Apostle Paul, sometimes hosting those churches in their home. Further, it appears she had a very firm grasp of the Gospel and partnered with her husband in mentoring new believers.

Junia: Well Known To/In/Among The Apostles

Greet Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners. They are well known to the apostles, and they were in Christ before me. (Romans 16:7 ESV)
The debate about Junia, mentioned along with her husband Andronicus, has to do with the phrase “they are well known to the apostles”.  The phrase could also be translated “they are well known (or outstanding) among the apostles” and is translated as such by the 2011 NIV: “They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was”  (Romans 16:7 NIV11-GK).
The Greek construction has the preposition en plus the dative which generally has the meaning “in, on or among”. Thus an equally sound argument can be made that Andronicus and Junia were well known in the circle of the Apostles (the sense of the ESV) or that they were well known as being among the circle of the Apostles (the sense of the NIV).
When a word or a sentence legitimately could be translated in a variety of ways, scholars generally appeal to the wider context to inform them as to the author’s original intent. Unfortunately, in this case, there is no wider context. The names are thrown out in a laundry list of greetings and salutations. There is no accompanying narrative, as in the case of Priscilla, that could help us make sense of this ambiguous phrase. Andronicus and Junia are recognized and greeted by Paul, and then they are never mentioned in Scripture again.
Therefore, unless you are attempting to buttress an otherwise indefensible argument, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of theological or ecclesiological utility to this citation. All that can be said for sure is that Junia was well known and well respected by the Apostle Paul and that she had become a Christian before him. Saying anything else puts you rather far out on a rather thin limb, indeed.

Celebration, Commendation And Caution

As our culture begins to explore and redefine traditional notions of sexuality and gender, the focus on these women and their stories is likely to increase exponentially. Those holding to a more traditional understanding of gender must be careful not to diminish or under represent the significance of these women or their contribution to the Christian story. At the same time, those embracing the new understanding of gender must not ask these texts to bear more theological freight than they can reasonably carry.
With that in mind, I offer the following celebrations, commendations and cautions.


The church should celebrate its glorious history with respect to the elevation and protection of women. Historian Rodney Stark – who has described himself as “incapable of belief” and yet who writes very positively about the early Christian church says:
Women were especially drawn to Christianity because if offered them a life that was so greatly superior to the life they otherwise would have led. [5]
Jesus welcomed women into his inner circle. He encouraged them to learn, he spoke to them directly and he insisted that they be treated kindly and with respect. Women played key roles in the planting of churches and the expansion of the Kingdom of God throughout the Roman world.
Based on the texts studied above, we can safely add that women held office in the church, they hosted churches in their homes, they funded churches out of their private resources, they ministered to women, widows, the sick and the young; they enjoyed the respect of the Apostles and they were involved in the mentoring of new believers.
This can and should be remembered and celebrated by God’s people.


Based on these texts, a strong argument can and should be made for the practice of planting churches as husband and wife. If a church is “the household of faith”, then it makes sense to have male and female leaders from the planting stage onwards. No credible argument could be made from the Scriptures against this basic assertion.
Furthermore, it should be obvious from these texts and other texts like Proverbs 31 that a woman can be active and successful in the world of business. Women have made and can continue to make an important contribution to the Great Commission as wealthy benefactors. Successful women funded the ministry of Jesus, they funded churches and they funded the missionary work of the Apostle Paul. Women who feel so led and inclined today should be encouraged to follow the examples of Lydia, Phoebe and Prisca in using their businesses to further the Kingdom of God.


None of these texts appears to contribute meaningfully to the current debate about whether or not women should serve as pastors or elders in the church. None of these texts says anything about a woman preaching the sermon in a worship service. None of these texts says that a woman was functioning as a bishop or a pastor or an elder of a local church. None of these texts says anything that would contradict or obscure the clear teaching of the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 2 where he says: “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” (1 Timothy 2:12 ESV).
He said something similar to the church meeting in Corinth; a church that at one point at least may have been meeting in the house of Priscilla and Aquila:
As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. (1 Corinthians 14:33–34 ESV)
Earlier in the same letter Paul had said that a woman could pray or prophesy in the corporate service (11:4-5); therefore, many scholars understand “keep silent” in chapter 14 to mean “stand down during the public teaching of the word” – an interpretation further strengthened by the immediate context which is dealing with order during public services.
Therefore, while it seems that Paul planted churches alongside gifted couples and while he recognized women as holding the office of deacon and while he had no objection to a husband and wife mentoring a young leader, he does not appear to anywhere endorse women pastors, preachers, elders or overseers.
The stories of these women should be told and enjoyed in the church without forcing them to participate in our twenty first century conflicts with respect to sexuality, gender and ministry.
Paul Carter

As in other discussions of this topic, the standard seems clear to me; women are not to hold leadership positions in churches, with authority over men.   No women pastors, or deacons.  I've seen this debated, as stated previously.  An older fellow in a church I attended many years ago, while single, brought this up, during a business meeting when someone recommended a woman be included on a pastor search committee.  He stated this was not Biblical, and after a bit of discussion, the woman was not included.  Some folks had their feathers ruffled, as you can imagine, and our Singles' class decided to discuss this later, when we gathered for fellowship.  After a lot of discussion, much searching though the Scriptures, and some prayer as well, we decided that fellow was correct.  That position is, in fact, backed by the Bible.  As the article just above shows, that doesn't mean women aren't ever to speak, and anyone taking that to such extremes is doing so in error, but women preachers?  No.  Women as deacons?  No.  Women helping?  Yes.  Women sharing their faith?  Definitely!  We have different roles. 

One thing to remember is, God tells us marriage can be seen as a picture of Jesus and the Church.  Does the Church take over the position of the Savior?  No!  Regardless of what some religious systems might claim, only Jesus saves, and no one in any church can take His authority from Him.  Likewise, we women should not try to take the authority from the husband.  In the church, we should not attempt to do something similar.  We were created as helpers, a position that takes a lot of strength, a lot of patience, and a lot of love.  We are weaker in many ways, but God still gave us as helpers, because men need us in that way.  That isn't a "lesser" position, in any sort of demeaning sense.  That's being created to be servants, as Jesus chose to be servant for all of us!  What a wonderful role to be able to fill!  Plus remember, the man is serving as well, in that position of leadership.  A real leader serves the people.  Too often, people seem to think that leadership means getting everything one wants, bossing others around, and reaping all of the rewards.  Real leadership is about service, caring, loving.  As a woman, I don't feel a need to compete with a man, to take his position, because I have my own, and appreciate that.  No man can be a mother.  Fathers cannot carry a child inside themselves, and know that bond.  Fathers don't offer the same comfort that a mother can offer.  Fathers are invaluable, and offer many things, and children need a father.  However, fathers and mothers are not interchangeable.  Why would we want to be? 

Why do some women want to take over the leadership of a church, when we are told so plainly in God's Word that isn't what He wants from us?  Why do so many allow themselves to believe a lie, that we cannot be important if we aren't the same as men?  The lies that convince some they can/should be pastors have the same basis as those lies used to convince people that they can have same sex relationships, or change themselves to the opposite sex.  Yes, the same basis.  It's just a matter of degree, and not even much of that. 

Well, I think that article speaks well for itself, and have shared what I believe on the issue.  So, debate, discuss, and remember, God's Word should have the final say here. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Pushy Vegans Claim They are the Victims

Vegan family claims they have 'lost friends,' get 'bullied' over lifestyle
Yeah, right; I'm sure it has nothing to do with how pushy and arrogant vegans can be, demanding that everyone agree with their ideas!  The article makes it clear that's really the case.  Some examples:

"Passion is misunderstood to be aggression or hatred,” Jacqui, a nutritionist, said. "There seems to be some kind of divide where people meet vegans with aggression and resistance, when you are just trying to raise awareness about practices that people should know about.”

So, she's demanding everyone agree with her, and then pretending they dislike her because of how she eats, and not her demands that everyone around her do as she does.

But for dad Ryan, the journey to veganism was very different - as he grew up surrounded by the farming industry, and was a frequent visitor to slaughterhouses.
"Dad was a highly respected butcher and worked part-time on a farm and neighbors would bring animals around to be skinned and plucked,” he said. "It wasn't abnormal for me to be around dead animals for much of my life.”
"I would help put animals on trailers and get the animals into the slaughterhouses and it was all normal to me,” Ryan continued. "I witnessed chickens being killed on the farm, I worked on the turkey line just before Christmas and I always just thought 'we need animals to be healthy and strong'."

Seems he knows there aren't issues as she claims, and is just following along anyway.

As for the children, well, I'd say they were pressured:

Her son Skipp soon followed suit, after watching 2017 documentary “The Land of Hope and Glory” with his mother - all about the UK's farming practices.

"All of the kids have made their own decisions and have recognized why they are vegan,” Jacqui said. "Some parents say 'you're not having that and that', but we wanted the kids to understand why we do it, take on the information and decide for themselves."

For oldest child Skye, the transition took a little longer - because she was afraid to watch the documentaries.

But the teen said: "Once I watched them it was easy. I now want to know where my food has come from and how."

Youngest sibling Cadan was switched to vegan milk alternatives when he was younger, after suffering a variety of digestive issues from dairy milk.

But his mom said: "Even Cadan understands exactly - he knows that the baby animals suffer and are taken from their mommies and he doesn't believe in that."

Gee, that's "making their own decision, is it?  If one decides they want meat, is their mother going to allow that?

As for why she's really losing friends:

The family says that a common misconception about vegans is that they are “militant” and “crazy.” But they claim that their problem is not with other people’s decision to eat meat, but the refusal to understand the processes behind meat and dairy.
Jacqui says she doesn't want vegans to be perceived as these things, but that she wants to inform people, by explaining the processes to them. And the family often does this through social media - but this has led to relationships with friends and family breaking down entirely.

So she doesn't want people to think that she's militant, but she behaves in a militant fashion, shoving her opinions down people's throats, and can't respect hat not everyone agrees, and that people don't want to hea about it all the time.  Go figure. 

“Passion is misunderstood to be aggression or hatred. I have been to parent's evenings and had people turn their backs to me,” she said. “They would rather do that than engage in a conversation that will make them feel uncomfortable."

In other words, she can't go anywhere without talking about her choices for her diet,  and she's made people sick of being around her, as a result.  Gee, what a surprise.

She doesn't respect anyone else, or any other opinions, as proven by her own statements:

"We are not against farmers, they are intelligent people that we need in this world - it's the process we are against and the lack of transparency,” Ryan said.  "If we are moving towards a vegan world we will need farmers and we want to work with them - because we need them."

No, we are not moving towards a "vegan world", no matter how much you want to demand everyone agree with you.  Vegan diets are NOT healthy, and are, in fact, harder on the environment than a normal, healthy, omnivorous diet.   Raising livestock can help renew croplands that are depleted, and growing only crops taes far more energy.  These people are clueless.

I really don't care how someone chooses to eat, for the most part.  I'd prefer that friends and family are healthy, of course, but people can make their own decisions.  The problem with most vegans us that they have no respect for the decisions of anyone who disagrees with them.  I odn't need to hear why someone eats as they do.  If they have an allergy, and I am cooking, that's one thing.  If they just don't like something, that's fine, too.  Just say you don't eat whatever, and leave it at that.  I don't want or need to be preached at over food.  I don't want to hear the sob stories, that aren't even honest.  I don't want to hear about the supposed health benefits, from people who are often not healthy at all, and virtually always are underweight, and quite weak.  I don't want to listen to some activist who is demanding everyone agree and then claiming to be a victim of bullying. Based on all she'd said in the article, she's the bully.  Well boo hoo. 

Now, I think we'll fire up the grill and cook some delicious cow meat.  With real cheese.  Yum!!

God's Creations Know He Placed Us As Caretakers!

Squirrel tugging on woman's pants led her to its injured baby: report

Apparently, the squirrel really needed help, and got the attention of a friendly human!  Great story; be sure to read!

God gave Mankind dominion over the animals, so we can care for them, and manage things.  It's good to see a case like this, where the animals knows, and the person does the right thing. 

Invasive Species Cause Problems

11-foot Burmese python found swimming off coast of South Florida

Wildlife officials in South Florida on Friday said they captured a giant Burmese python swimming about a mile off the coast of Biscayne Bay, local reports said.

The snake is an invasive species and has damaged the state’s swampland ecosystem. Foxes and cottontail rabbits have “effectively disappeared.”

The one that was posted on Biscayne National Park’s Facebook page was 11 feet long and weighed 31 pounds. It was captured using a net.

As pythons eat their way across the Sunshine State’s landscape, there is strong evidence Florida’s bird, native snake and iconic alligator populations are also suffering.

What predators the python doesn’t eat are losing the competition for food, including bobcats and panthers. The hunters are simply too large and too efficient. They are at home in warm, wet, watery climates and can swim, burrow and climb trees.

Researchers even believe pythons have swum across the open saltwater of Florida Bay from the Everglades to islands in the Florida Keys.

Once again, we see how these invasive species cause problems.  Florida isn't simply plagued with these snakes, either; they have a lot of other invasive species as well.  As for this snake, they can get a LOT bigger than eleven feet.  They can be dangerous to people, too.

Before getting such animals as "pets", people really need to think about what they are doing, and the potential problems.  

Victory for Relifious Freedom in Adoptions

Federal judge rules in favor of Catholic adoption agency in religious liberty case against Michigan

At least for now, religious agencies handling adoptions can refuse to place children with same-sex couples.  Some such couples have filed a lawsuit, claiming it is "discrimination" for these religious agencies to refer them to some other agency, and these couples wish to force said agencies to act against their own beliefs. 

They claim that this decision places the beliefs of the organization "above" those of children, but what they really man is, the ruling places religious freedom against the selfish wishes of the sexually confused. 

Smart judge, good ruling.  Let's all hope and pray that this stands, and at least some children can be protected from being placed in unsuitable living arrangements.

Printing Web Pages Without Ads and Other Junk!

How to print a website without the ads and junk

Ever want to print out an article from online, to save?  I have wanted to, on occasion, and have been frustrated by the ads being printed as well.  This article explains ways that most browsers will allow you to change that.   Very handy little tip!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Science, the Left, and an Appalling Lack of Standards

While I've known for some time that the Left isn't really concerned about actual science, as evidenced by their embrace of "man-made global warming" nonsense, just how stupid and inconsistent they are has really been brought home recently.  How, you ask?  Allow me to explain.

Let's start with genetics.  The study of genetics is one of the most fascinating things to be introduced, as far as I am concerned, in modern science.  There is so much we can learn, so many things we can do, with this information.  We can better understand why we are who we are, better address diseases that are influenced by genetics, solve crimes, and so forth.  The more we learn, the more we realize just how much there is to still learn, as well.  They've uncovered levels of genetic coding that were previously not known to exist.  Fascinating stuff.

Of course, with anything cool, there will always be those who want to misuse the information, the tech, the tool, whatever.  We see this with many things.  The internet is a great too for information sharing and communication, but is misused, and more people are concerned with social media and propaganda, or the latest celebrity nonsense, than in real communication with people they know, or real information gathering, real learning.  Guns are awesome tools for self defense, real equalizers that make physically weaker people able to defend themselves against stronger individuals who would do them harm.  Yet guns can also be used by those lusting after power, or by criminals.  The tools aren't bad, in these examples; it's the people who are the problem.  We cannot change people by restricting tools.  We can only change people by changing their hearts. 

That, now, is a key issue for this discussion.  Bear with me, please.  The Left, as a group, has a heart issue, a real spiritual problem.  Evil is embraced over good, and that's the key for this topic.  Instead of using science as a tool to bring real knowledge, they use it as a propaganda weapon.  How, you ask again?

Well, I'll tell you, and thanks for being patient.  There is, simply put, no real standard.  Two issues recently have brought this to my mind.  One is the whole "trans" business, and the other is race.  Two hot button issues, and both seeing "science" used as a tool for propaganda.  The way the Left uses science for these issues shows that they are nowhere near honest, are grossly inconsistent, and clearly have no idea about real science at all. 

I will start with race.  You'd think this would be a simple topic.  Race is something we can all recognize as real, I learned in school, as most of you likely did as well, that there were three races - Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid.  Some later added on a fourth, Australoid.  These are based on some pretty clear differences, which can be used in forensics to identify remains, and which are important for the medical field, as the different races have certain issues more or less likely to affect embers of each particular race.  While any people are of mixed race, we generally can tell, with most people, to which race their genetics primarily belong. 

However, in the "politically correct" world of today, people are now being told there aren't really any races.  All of those things that ake us all human, they claim, mean there are no racial differences.  It's stupid, I know, but a lot of people buy into this nonsense.  Because some things are the same across the races, they claim, we can't define race at all, and are supposed to believe that race is just some social construct.  Forget all of the medical issues related to race, and all of the forensic data, just toss that out, because, gee, race isn't real.  Unless, of course, you are white, and then you qualify as something less than human, according to these idiots. 

Now, let's discuss the trans issue.  Here, conversely to the race issue, we are being told that genetics don't matter at all.  "XY chromosomes?  So what!  You can sill be a woman.  Really!"  That's what they want us to believe.  Genetics don't matter.  Biology doesn't matter.  All that matters is feelings.  The same science they will misrepresent to claim their is no race, they also completely ignore to claim there is no set "gender", and to claim one can change their biological sex.  Here, they claim biological sex, being male or female, is also a social construct.  At least they are consistent in that regard. 

Science, though?  Not even close.  You can't ignore genetics regarding biological sex, and misrepresent the same genetics when trying to pretend there are no races.  There is no logic in holding to such positions.  None.  Regarding race, they are basically doing the equivalent of claiming there are no different breeds of dogs.  Everyone knows a chihuahua and a Saint Bernard are the same species, but no one with even half a brain would argue that they weren't very different breeds.  In that case, the breeds exist because people deliberately bred toward certain characteristics.  For human races, geographical separations and other environmental influences came into play, and brought about racial differences.  This isn't complicated, but the Left sure wants you to think it is. 

For the whole trans thing, it's about pushing perversion, and attacking women, not about science.  "Attacking women?", you say?  Yes, and this is why.  I'l start by saying I love men.  This isn't some anti-male rant, by any means.  Men are awesome.  I love the way they look, their strength, their focus, their capabilities, and so forth.  Men are important.  Men aren't wrong for being male.  Soy boy types makes me nauseous.  That said, this trans stuff is anti-female.  Yes, anti-male, too, to some degree, but anti-female in a very real sense.  The whole homosexual agenda is anti-male and anti-female.  It's anti-creation, really, an affront to how God created us.  That's a given.  The trans stuff, though, is more targeted against women, I believe.  The biggest issues for this group seem to be to push into locker rooms, changing rooms, and restrooms with biological females, and also to compete against real females in various sports.  In both cases, women are at risk.  These trans dudes are often not attracted to other men, and are often predators.  The athletes can do a lot of physical damage to a woman in a physical competition, and have done so. 

Those who read the blog regularly likely already caught some of the race-related discussion, and can understand why I mention that again.  The other has been brought up recently by a couple of disturbing articles.  I'll share the links, and you can read th articles for yourselves.

Mattel Introduces ‘Gender-Neutral’ Barbie Doll Line

International Olympic Committee Delays Transgender Rules After Scientists Disagree on Issues

Be warned, this stuff might make you sick. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

President Trump stands for rights under God!

Donald Trump at the United Nations: Human Rights Come from God, Not Government

President Donald Trump led a United Nations event promoting religious freedom on Monday, reminding world leaders that all rights came from God.

“The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government they come from God,” he said. “This immortal truth is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the first amendment to our Constitution’s Bill of Rights.”
Trump noted that 80 percent of the world’s population live in countries where religious freedom is in danger or outright banned, and called for the world to end religious persecution and release prisoners held for professing their belief.
“As president, protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities and always has been,” Trump said.
The president noted sadly that an estimated 11 Christians are killed every day around the world for following their faith.
“Our Founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions,” he said.
Trump vowed that the United States would always stand for religious freedom, and urged all governments to do the same.
“We ask the governments of the world to honor the eternal right of every person to follow their conscience, live by their faith, and give glory to God,” he said.
Trump was introduced at the event by Vice President Mike Pence, who thanked the president for being the first United States president to lead an event on the United Nations on religious freedom.
Pence specifically called out ISIS terrorists, and countries such as Iran, China, Nicaragua, and Venezuela for their abuses against people of different faiths.

As always, standing for rights, and for faith!  This is why the Left hates this man, and why we need to re-elect him!  What other president in recent times has spoken so boldly of faith, and freedom?  Not a one.  And, he's correct.  God gives us free will, to choose, that we can choose to do right, to help one anothr, and most importantly, to love Him.  Love is a choice. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

More Pro-abortion Violence

Police: Man Arrested for Bomb Threat at Minnesota Pro-Life Event

One man has been arrested after a bomb threat at Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester, Minnesota. The threat was made on Wednesday evening at an event hosted by the pro-life organizations Students for Life of America and 40 Days of Life.

A theater in Rochester Community and Technical College was evacuated on Wednesday as emergency responders arrived at the scene to investigate a suspicious package that had been found the room during the event, according to a report by KIMT3 News.
 More at the link.

No surprises here.  People who would slaughter innocent unborn children would certainly have no issues hurting other people as well.  This shows their mentality; anger, hate, completely self absorbed.

Time after time, I read stories like this.  Pro-life people are assaulted, their posters and whatnot stolen, destroyed, etc.  Why this fellow is only seeing misdemeanor charges, I don't understand.  How is a terrorist threat a misdemeanor charge??  Would it be moe serious had his target been some demonstration for illegals?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Autism, Bigotry, and Misunderstandings.

I've been doing some reading of comments on an article, and am appalled at how some people have responded to a situation.  Here's the article link:

When a Teacher Called My Autistic Daughter 'Inappropriate' in Front of Her Class

To sum it up, a first grade classroom had a pet hedgehog, that died.  A six-year-old girl, autistic to some degree, responded to this news by telling the class she'd had her own pet hedgehog, for more than three years, and it had died.  Being six, she didn't word this as well as an older child might have done, and there was apparently some confusion on the part of the teacher about the pet.  The teacher seemingly decided the child was claiming to have had a dead pet hedgehog at her house for over three years.  Yeah, yeah, I know; what an idiot the teacher must be, right?  Who would assume that's what a small child meant?  This teacher, though, instead of just asking for clarification, told the child that wasn't "appropriate", and called her a liar, in front of the entire class. 

Needless to say, the girl was very upset when she arrived home that day.  She'd tried to connect wth he classmates, not an easy thing for a lot of children, and not easy for an autistic child at all, and her teacher responded by singling her out for verbal abuse, belittling her in front of her classmates.  That's bad enough.  When the parents emailed the teacher to find out more, the teacher doubled down on her stupidity, pretending that the other children were "put off" by the girl's statement, and acting as though there wasn't a problem with how she addressed the situation.

Now, anyone who's ever dealt with small children knows they say some pretty bizarre things at times.  Children that age, autistic or not, don't see the world in the same way that wwe do as adults, or even the same as older children.  To address a child that way, so the poor girl was repeating things at home like, “You’re inappropriate, you’re inappropriate. Stop making things up, stop making things up.”, and was crying for quite some time, is inexcusable.  For an autistic child, it's beyond inexcusable. 

Sensible people know this, and are rightly upset by such a story.  What bothers me is the reactions of less-than-sensible people, who posted comments ranging from poorly informed to mildly biased to outright hateful and bigoted.  All over, remember, a child of six.  Some of the commenters tried to sound reasonable, and stated the girl perhaps didn't belong there, and would be better off in a school that met her needs.  Nice way of saying, "Gt the freak out of the school."  Some were far more direct, and stated that these "special" children didn't belong with "normal" children.  A few even claimed that there is, get this, "no such thing as autism", claiming it's an "excuse for poor parenting", and/or a way for people to "fraudulently" collect benefits from the government.  A handful attempted t blame "low teacher pay" for the issue.  comments were made implying that anyone with such a diagnosis was somehow dangerous, or otherwise unsuitable to be around "regular people".  Some even claimed autistic people are basically just sociopaths, with no feelings for anyone else.

Sickening, truly.  The absolute contempt of some people for a child, or anyone, who simply doesn't communicate as easily, is just vile to me.  Problem students abound these days, for a wide variety of reasons, but people want to attack kids who can't help having an issue?  One, I kid you not, actually claimed that children like this girl put to much strain on classrooms, because, gee, they are trying to educate students who don't speak English.  I mean, geenot so high functioning, , how dare she be in a classroom, taking time away from the children of illegals too lazy to learn the language of the country they attach to as leeches??  Yeah, I'm angry about this.  Angry for this poor little girl, and for all others treated in such a fashion by overpaid idiots, who can't educate, but sure can encourage bullying and indoctrination.  I can't help but recall a story from a few years back, of a teacher who literally stuffed a boy into a bag, and left him in the hallway. 

God help these people, if I ever encounter such a thing. 

I know people who are autistic.  One is fairly mild, just some basic communication/social issues, and you likely wouldn't even notice.  Sweet kid, caring, tries really hard, lovable, and better behaved than some "normal" kids I know.  Another is not so high functioning, to a degree that care will always be needed.  Even with that, though, this is a loving person, who clearly cares deeply for family members, and is quite sensitive.  To hear people talk about people like these as they do in those comments is infuriating. 

It's as though people have no actual concept of what autism actually is, and can't be bothered to learn.  The "information age", supposedly, and so much wilful ignorance!!  A few people even claimed there was 'no need" for anyone to read about such cases, and/or implied the parents were somehow wrong for calling attention to the issue.  Yeah, right, because sweeping problems under the rug makes them go away.....  All those years of people not talking about pedophiles openly didn't make that problem grow at all...  Oh, wait!

So, yeah, ranting a bit, but this is a very real issue, and needs to be addressed.  Hope you share your own opinions, and stories you have heard, or issues you've encountered, or a loved one has.  And, yes, you can disagree, but be prepared for some feedback if you do. 

I just can't tolerate bullies.  As far as I am concerned, that teacher is one.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Culture's New Clothes For Your Kids (a must-read for parents) By JT Waresak

The Culture's New Clothes For Your Kids (a must-read for parents) By JT Waresak
As a biology major, one of my favorite classes was embryology. I can remember being in awe of the idea of cell differentiation. Literally, moments after conception, the newly-created human life begins to go through a micro-transformation at every level as cells migrate and initiate the formation of various organs and body parts.

Under normal conditions, by the seventh week, the manifestation of a child's sex begins to reveal itself as distinctive physical characteristics that will biologically identify this child as a boy or a girl. Yet, while it may have taken seven weeks for us to observe this process visually taking place, the gender of this baby was predetermined at conception by the simple presence or lack of a "Y" chromosome. This is a biological fact, and every cell within the human body is tied to this reality.

And yet somewhere today, elementary school children listen intently as their teacher reads to them during story time. The book is about a boy who decided he was really a girl. Naturally, as the children listen, they become confused and begin to question their own gender.

Just across the street, at the local middle school, a 13-year-old boy walks into the girl's locker room to change clothes for gym class. A number of girls are unsettled at having a biological male that identifies as a girl watch as they undress. Yet, their teachers and principal have been very vocal and adamant that this is the new norm. The girls that innately know this is wrong are shamed for their "old-fashioned" beliefs.

Across town, the high school track and field state tournament comes to an end. As medals are presented for the girls shot put, two biological teen boys step onto the first- and second-place platforms. How is the third-place finisher expected to feel given she took first-place last year?

Still another scenario is playing out at the local department store. As a young woman tries on a new outfit, she is shocked to see a man walk into the changing area next to her. When she complains to the clerk, she is simply told that the man identifies as a woman and to get with the times.

A classic story of old can hopefully open our eyes once again today: As the Emperor looked at the new "clothes" set before him, everyone knew that it was all a facade. Instead of a brilliant new fabric, the alleged weavers were selling him a lie. When he walked out in public, he had no clothes on his body. Yet the Emperor, his staff, and the other adults in the kingdom went along with the obviously concocted fabrication—even though they knew it wasn't true. For them, it was more important to appear wise. But in so doing, they only proved to the world that they were really fools.

Now, simply confronting the biological reality of one's gender will not diminish the painful mental condition associated with gender dysphoria or those very rare cases in which there is a chromosomal disorder involved. And so, as Christians, we must always speak truth with compassion and try to help people who are struggling with their prescribed gender. I use the word prescribed because we don't get to choose our sex, much like we don't get a say as to who our birth parents are. 

Yet, as we all know, much like the Emperor's clothes, just because someone believes or "identifies" as if something is real doesn't make it so. It will take a lot more than someone's mental state to change their DNA and every cell within their body.

Since the beginning of recorded time, gender has always been tied to one's biological makeup, as defined by the "X" and "Y" chromosomes. The veracity of this truth is rooted in science, and no amount of cultural or social pressure can change that. Yet, culture has our children putting on "new clothes", and the repercussions will be devastating. Are we truly ready to reinvent the reality of basic biology?

As the child gazed upon the Emperor, he was absolutely certain that his king had no clothes on. For parents, let us be "real" with our kids and protect both women and children from this latest, very dangerous cultural experiment. It is the physical laws of biology, and not one's "identity," that dictates a person's sex. God help us all if we allow our children to put on culture's new clothes.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

Excellent article, and vital for parents to understand, in these crazy days when people are being told to alter their very perceptions of reality.  I've read stories of male fighters, pretending to be women, and actually doing real physical harm to female opponents, who were told to treat those men as female.  Sickening, truly.  Sickening to see these people stealing sports awards, to see them invading locker rooms and changing areas and restrooms, sickening to see them brought into libraries to confuse small children.  Worse, yet, some parents actually push their children into becoming like these, to pretending to be something they are not, and effectively destroying the lives of their children in the process.  This is evil, perverse, and cannot be accepted.  No, we do not have to tolerate perversion, or mental illness, or lies.  No, that isn't the loving or right thing to do.  This current cultural push is a tool of the devil.  We must stand against it. 

Should Christian Kids Ever Fight Back? By Dr. James Dobson

Should Christian Kids Ever Fight Back? By Dr. James Dobson
Question: Dr. Dobson, how much self-control and Christian responsibility can we expect of a child? For example, my five-year-old daughter has a rather passive personality, and she is constantly being hit, kicked and pinched by other children in the neighborhood. I have taught her not to fight back, showing her the words of Jesus in the Bible. Still, it hurts me to see her beaten—sometimes by children much smaller than she is. What do you suggest?

Answer: My views on this issue may be controversial, but I have developed them from observing the play of small children. Little people can be remarkably brutal and vicious to each other. They tend to think only of their own desires, resorting to power tactics to get what they want. In this competitive atmosphere, it is unrealistic to expect a young child to exhibit all the characteristics of a mature Christian—turning the other cheek and walking the second mile. To require complete passivity from her is to strip her defenses in a world of fists and teeth and thrown fire trucks.

The relevant scriptural principles should be taught in the preschool years by a focus on offensive behavior, not defensive maneuvers. In other words, we should go to considerable lengths to teach our children not to hit and hurt others, and to be Christ-like in their love. The second part of that formula (returning good for evil) requires greater maturity and a few more years.

I dealt with this same issue in my book, Dare to Discipline, wherein I discussed the fact that children respect power and strength. The following illustration is quoted in that context:

I recently consulted with a mother who was worried about her small daughter's inability to defend herself. There was one child in their neighborhood who would crack three-year-old Ann in the face at the slightest provocation. This little bully, named Joan, was very small and feminine, but she never felt the sting of retaliation because Ann had been taught not to fight. I recommended that Ann's mother tell her to hit Joan back if she was hit first. Several days later the mother heard a loud altercation outside, followed by a brief scuffle. Then Joan began crying and went home. Ann walked casually into the house, with her hands in her pockets, and explained, "Joan socked me so I had to help her remember not to hit me again." Ann had efficiently returned an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. She and Joan have played together much more peacefully since that time.

Generally speaking, a parent should emphasize the stupidity of fighting. But to force a child to stand passively while being clobbered is to leave her at the mercy of her cold-blooded peers.

From Dr. Dobson's book Emotions: Can You Trust Them?

Great article, and relevant these days.  I think this applies to adults as well.  We have a right to self defense, in the face of physical attack.  The Bible supports this position, and turning the other cheek is more about insults than a real attack.  So, discuss, debate, and most importantly, use accurate Biblical quotes to support your positions.  Chapter, verse, and translation used, please!  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Activists do more harm than good!

Activist Accused of Killing 100 Rabbits Following Bunny Rescue Mission

A vegan activist who “rescued” 16 rabbits has been accused of causing the deaths of almost 100 other bunnies in the process.

The woman, who goes by the name “Mythical Mia” online, reportedly conducted a rescue mission on a farm near Osono, Spain, on Sunday.
“Five rabbits, which were pregnant and about to give birth, were killed during the chaotic retrieval and several others were left with broken spines, the paper reports, citing an assessment from a local veterinarian,” the New York Post reported.
Reports said that many of the rabbits Mia took during the operation were pregnant or lactating at the time.
“Their offspring included an estimated 90 bunnies, which had to be euthanized after being abandoned,” Spanish news outlets said.

You can see the rest at the link.  Sickening, and typical.  These people pretend to do good, but always do far more harm.  They are liars, virtue signaling to gain attention.   PETA is known to kill anials they claim to protect.  So-caled "environmentalists" trash areas they pretend to want to protect.  PHOTOS: Mountains of trash left by ‘environmentalists’ after pipeline protest  Environmentalists Trash North Dakota

So why do so many people assume these are just causes?  Why don't people look for real solutions to real problems?

Expert Predicts 25 Percent of Colleges Will Close in Next 20 Years

Expert Predicts 25 Percent of Colleges Will Close in Next 20 Years

A Harvard higher education expert predicts that 25 percent of American colleges will shut their doors within the next two decades based on rising costs and falling admissions.

According to a report by CBS News, some experts are predicting that the landscape of American education will shift dramatically over the next 20 years. Michael Horn, an education scholar at Harvard University, predicts that many universities and colleges will either close or merge by 2040.
“I think 25% of schools will fail in the next two decades,” Horn said. “They’re going to close, they’re going to merge, some will declare some form of bankruptcy to reinvent themselves. It’s going to be brutal across American higher education.”
Horn thinks that the future of learning may take place on smartphones. Online education programs, which become increasingly popular in 2019, not only cheaper than traditional degree programs but also more convenient. Online programs often allow students to listen to pre-recorded lectures in their own free time and from the comfort of their own home.
I think we’re gonna see, basically, faster and cheaper programs emerge,” Horn added. “I also think we’re gonna see a lot of mobile learning programs come up, where you can literally just pop on your phone, learn a few things. And so I think we’re gonna see a lot more of these sort of flexible, affordable, convenient programs.”
The report notes that there will be no fall semester at the 185-year-old Green Mountain College in Vermont. Additionally, Southern Vermont College, the College of St. Joseph, and Atlantic Union College have all shut down permanently in the last year.
Breitbart News reported in June about the massive increase in the cost of a college education. Economist Richard Vedder argued then that the current bleak outcomes for college graduates do not justify the rising costs of tuition.

I would not be at all surprised.  Many of these places are little more than indoctrination centers for people, these days, and most are very overpriced.  If someone can actually learn something useful, via a program, and save money doing it, why wouln't they?  A lot of what is done in classrooms can be done remotely.  Still, there will always be a place for actual classrooms, and some fields will require more "hands on", in-person training.  Should be interesting, though.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Maryland School Distict Turns Stupid

Maryland School District Adds Third Gender Option for Students, LGBT ‘Safe Space’ Classrooms

Montgomery County Public School District in Rockville, Maryland, recently rolled out a set of policies that will allow students to identify by a “third gender,” and adds the requirement for schools to provide an LGBT “safe space.”

According to a local news report, the Montgomery County Public School District in Rockville, Maryland, is introducing a policy that will allow to students to identify as neither male or female. Instead, students will be permitted to identity on official school forms as “X,” a new classification that will stand in for alternative genders.

The new policies, which were outlined in a document released over the summer, cover everything from pronoun use to gender-neutral bathrooms. The document claims that school staff members must address students by their chosen pronouns. Moreover, students are not first required to legally change their pronouns or name.

"All students have the right to be referred to by their preferred name and/or pronoun. Students should be addressed by school staff members by the name and pronoun corresponding to the gender identity that is consistently asserted at school. Students are not required to obtain a court-ordered name and/or sex designation change or to change their student records as a prerequisite to being addressed by the name and pronoun that corresponds to their preferred name. To the extent possible, and consistent with these guidelines, school personnel will make efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the student’s transgender status."

The document also states that each school will be required to provide a “safe space” for LGBT students. “Safe zone stickers” will be placed on the doors of classrooms that function as “safe spaces.” Teachers will be asked to undergo specific training before they are permitted to operate their classroom as a “safe space.”

"Schools will designate certain teachers’ classrooms, specific offices, or a location in a school that is deemed a safe zone where any student, for whatever reason, may go to be free from judgment and to feel comfortable and safe. Schools also should ensure that staff members who have safe zone stickers on their doors have received appropriate training regarding providing inclusive, affirming environments."

In Oak Park, California, parents are reportedly irate over the fact that LGBT lessons will be taught to grade school children. According to the curriculum, “In fourth grade, students learn gender is ‘self-defined,’ and, in grade five, they learn ‘there are many gender identities’ and are introduced to the concept of ‘transgender’ and the use of preferred pronouns.”

Now, let's talk about why this is so utterly stupid.  They want to require that school staff address students by "preferred" names and pronouns, and there is no legal name change required, no legal declaration of some other, imaginary, "gender".  So, basically, student can demand that teachers call them pretty much whatever they want.  A student could, for example, declare that their "gender" is "ruler of he universe", and demand to be addressed as such.  Anything goes!  Imagine the lawsuits, when students decide they are "fluid", and change what they ae to be called on a regular basis.  Imagine the chaos, and the whining, when any sensible, thinking person refuses to go along with this madness.

Now, let's look at the other part of this, so-called "safe spaces" for sexually confused students.  Note, these students can go to such a place at any time, for any reason, meaning there is no standard for sitting in class, listening.  Nope, these precious little students can just get up and leave, enter these other classes in he middle of lessons, and disrupt the entire learning process for students who are in school to actually learn.  No reason required.

Now, imagine one of these mentally confused students is dangerous, as we have seen.  I can't help but recall that axe-wielding fellow, dressed as a woman, in the convenience store.  Not the only such case, either.  This sort is known by police as being more violent.

This school district is trying to destroy education, and endangering the students.

Hungary protects families!

Hungary Promotes Childbirth as Alternative to Mass Migration at Pro-Family Conference

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) – Hungary’s prime minister said Thursday that economic incentives for families, not immigration, are the answer to low birth rates and a decreasing population.

Speaking at a government-organized conference on demography, Prime Minister Viktor Orban also said that an upturn in Hungary’s – and possibly Europe’s – low birth rates may be achieved when having children becomes economically more beneficial to families than not having them.

Orban said that higher living standards as a result of having children had to be felt straightaway – “not in the sense that when you’re old your child will care for you, but here and now, immediately.”

“This is the turning point for the Hungarian family support system, but we are not there yet,” Orban said. “Years of persistent work are needed.”

Also attending the event were Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, who spoke about their countries’ demographic challenges and praised Orban’s family policy measures. They include tax breaks for families with more than one child, the construction of more nurseries, family housing subsidies and a life-long income tax exemption for women with at least four children.

Read the rest at the link.  Orban is doing it right!  Protecting families, encouraging children, trying to preserve his nation for what it is.  We need more leaders like this in the world.  I could go for a tax beak like that, too! 

Spying? Mark? Apple can now ID people with a watchband!

Apple Patents Watch Band That Can Identify You from Your Wrist

Apple was granted three patents on Tuesday, one of which could make the band on the Apple Watch able to identify the wearer by creating a thermal image of the skin on the person’s wrist.

One of the patents recently granted to Apple mentions a “wrist biometric sensor” that can be built into the Apple Watch, which would then allow the Watch’s band to build a thermal image of the wearer’s wrist — similar to a fingerprint — by its identifying the specific traits, such as the person’s skin texture and arm hair, according to a report by TechCrunch.
“The wearable electronic device may also include a processor coupled to the wrist biometric sensor and configured to cooperate with the biometric sensing pixels to acquire skin texture pattern images from adjacent portions of the user’s wrist, and perform at least one authentication function based upon the skin texture pattern images,” reads the patent.
A second patent involves an Apple Watch band that is able to self-adjust to the wearer’s wrist, so that if someone’s Watch begins to slide, built-in “tensioners” can tighten or loosen the band.
“In response to a signal to increase the tightness of the band, the tensioner can cause the actuator(s) to increase the tension within the band,” notes the patent.
The third patent describes light-up indicators, which, for example, could notify the wearer when they receive a text — or a meter displaying the distance left before completing their morning run.
“The band has an indicator with a variably and/or progressively illuminable portion,” the patent reads. “The indicator of the band conveys to a user an analog representation of the completion progress of an activity or task tracked by wearable electronic device.”
The report noted that a patent being granted does not automatically mean the features will hit the market, but rather, that the company has found a new possibility to identify consumers while researching and developing concepts for future products, and has decided to “lock down” the ideas.

Bad enough they push people touse fingerprints to access their smart phones, thus creating a digital record of many pints they would not otherwise have.   Now they want a wrist ID as well?  Add it in with facial recognition, and you privacy is gone.  Why do people accept these things??  This is not a good idea.