Hello! Yes, I'm still here, though I haven't posted to this blog in quite some time. Sorry for that. A lot of what I post is political in nature, and lately there's been so much absolute insanity that I simply couldn't compose something useful, or not so filled with ire that you wouldn't want to read it. So, I am posting something totally not political, but that could be quite controversial to many, since I am sure we will share different opinions on these things.
Simply put, as the title indicates, I am going to discuss some things that are quite popular but that I can't stand. Much of this is in the area of entertainment, though some is just common behavior, or common phrases, etc. I decided on this after looking for lists of what I described as "best old sitcoms" in my search engine. I was looking for old classics, and of course, some of what was included was stuff as recent as the 90's. Not what I'd call classic, but I know everyone else isn't in my age range. Even making allowances for the ages of these shows, I flat couldn't believe that enough people liked some of them enough that they'd be placed in a list of that sort.
In no particular order for me, just listing as they come to mind:
Seinfeld -
Seriously, I don't see the appeal. I tried more than once to watch the show, due to a recommendation, but I just couldn't do it. Every single character on the show was awful. I know, I know; they're supposed to be. Still, I can't understand why anyone would want to watch characters with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. This wasn't a case of one really rotten person, and the rest alright, but literally all of them being absolute scum. They made that the goal! I've read commentary from around the 'net, talking about how this was somehow what made the show appealing, that some seemed to love that these characters were acting as they should, like animals, basically, with no conscience, no morals, no good qualities. What sort of person finds this entertaining? People call this "liberating" in the same way that serial killers speak of being "free" to kill, of finding that liberating. Frankly, I find this horrifying. A society of that sort would not be a society at all. Are there really people who'd rather be thought of as selfish, nihilistic, narcissistic, rotten people, rather than strive to be decent, to care about others, to make the world a better place?
Avatar -
Here, I mean that terrible movie from 2009 with the blue people. The film had some great effects, I will admit, but was otherwise just not worth watching. Worse, the messages are deliberately negative - anti-America, anti-military, anti-capitalism, environazi-friendly, new age-themed, totally Leftist. I don't care how god the effects are; I don't want to watch some globalist BS when I pay for a movie ticket. The entire experience left me feeling almost physically sick. If that's what Hollyweird wants to promote, they can do without my money.
Harry Potter -
I've tried, really I have. I tend to enjoy fantasy stuff, as a rule, but with this one, I just can't find the interest. It's bad enough that a lot of this is not exactly original, and there are many accusations of flat out plagiarism, but I can't even gain any interest in the characters. At all.
Pop Culture Terms I Won't Use -
Then there are those "words" and phrases that get tossed around, mostly made up, and all annoying. I can't use these words and phrases. I won't use them. I appreciate the language, and detest seeing it so butchered. I understand slang, but there are limits. Examples -
selfie - Really, we can't just call it a self portrait? People used timers to include themselves in photos for ages without some silly, rather self-promoting term.
bromance - Why? Seriously, why?? Can two men not be close friends anymore? Does a close friendship need some invented word to make it look, well, more than a little weird? Two dudes hanging out as friends, and enjoying activities together, isn't any sort of "romance", and shouldn't be described that way. Please, people, stop! This term is promoting an agenda that shouldn't be promoted.
influencer - At least this one is honest, in admitting that the whole goal of these popular people on social media is to influence how you think, but I'm not playing. Social media was claimed to be a way for people to stay in touch with geographically distant family and friends, and to be able to join groups with others who share similar interests. Instead, it's something else, a way for people to push others into agreeing with them, to make being "popular" more important than being right.
any "cutsie" little combination of names for a couple - How lazy are people that they can't just use both names, and how insulting is it to treat two people as a single entity? I am likewise annoyed by goofy nicknames for various celebrities.
three-word directions - Combinations of directive words, telling people to do this, that, and the other annoy me to no end. It's like an extended version of the hidden commands from the awesome movie They Live. Do people really need these things?
Professional Sports - I'm not saying sports are bad, per se, just that the way they're handled professionally gets on my nerves. I can enjoy a good baseball game, watched in-person, but I don't care who is playing. Give me a good game, and that's what counts. Neighborhood team, church team, kids, adults, whatever. Pros, too, assuming I don't have to pay an arm and a leg to get in. What I dislike is the massively overpriced ticket and merchandise, the way that these games literally take over network television, and how, even if we don't watch, we're expected to pay for the sports channels with any cable or satellite television package. I shouldn't have scheduled shows preempted for a ball game, nor have to subsidize something for which I have no interest. Let those who want to watch pay for channels for that, and don't put these games on the major networks at all.
Rap and Hip Hop - Seriously, how many people actually like this, and how many are just claiming to like it because they think it makes them look cool/popular/into "diversity", whatever? To me, the vast majority of this stuff is noise pollution. No real melody, usually no harmony, bad or unintelligible lyrics, perverse and/or criminal themes, etc. - what's to like? These days, half or more of the television shows and movies use nothing else for their soundtracks, as though there isn't any real music left. There is, and this stuff isn't it.
Maple Syrup - I can't stand the taste of this stuff. I like cane syrup, and berry-flavored ones, but I really dislike maple. People do have different tastes, I know, but this flavor being so popular confounds me. I suspect it was a lot of marketing that made this one so wanted.
This isn't a complete list, by any means, but it's a start. Please share your own lists, and feel free to comment on mine.