Friday, March 27, 2020

Democrats are Hoarding Needed medical Supplies!!

The evidence is clear.  Four cases here, all a little different, but all pointing to the same thing.  One, Cuomo has thousands of masks stockpiles in New York, but is demanding more.  Two, Whitmer, Michigan's governor, is claiming that vendors are refusing to deliver items to her state, even though there is no shortage. Seems to me she's trying to stockpile, and is being told she can't.  Three, 5,000 N95 masks were "discovered" stored in a crypt in the National Cathedral.  Four, the SEIU, a union, in California, claims to have "discovered" 39 MILLION N95 face masks,supposedly stored by an unnamed distributor, and also "located" a vendor that can supposedly create 20 million a week.  No details given on the mysterious distributor or vendor, either. None.  That happened right after AG Barr announced they'd be going after hoarders.  The stories:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Admits Stockpile of Thousands of Unused Ventilators

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo acknowledged Friday the state did have a stockpile of unused ventilators, despite his complaints the federal government was not sending enough.
Cuomo responded to a comment from President Donald Trump on Twitter that there were thousands of ventilators in New York not being used.
“Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they are supposed to be, because we don’t need them yet,” Cuomo said. “We need them for the apex, the apex isn’t here, so we’re gathering them in a stockpile.”
Cuomo’s comments demonstrate there is not an immediate shortage in ventilators in the city, despite alarming reports.
“We don’t need them today, because we’re not at capacity today, that’s why they’re not deployed because they’re not needed,” Cuomo said.
The governor has repeatedly complained that the federal government is not sending enough ventilators to New York.
On Tuesday, Pence said that the federal government had sent 2,000 ventilators to New York and an additional 2,000 more on Wednesday.
But on Friday, Cuomo explained expert projections showed he would need up to 140,000 beds and 40,000 ventilators.
“I don’t operate here on opinion, I operate on facts and on data and on numbers and on projections,” he said.
In an interview on Fox News on Thursday night, Trump appeared skeptical that New York would need 40,000 ventilators.
“I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to be,” he said.
The topic of ventilators appeared to be on the president’s mind for most of Friday, as cable news repeatedly focused on a “shortage” and suggested that the president do more by invoking the Defense Production Act.

MI Gov Whitmer Claims Vendors ‘Being Told Not to Send Stuff’ to Michigan After Trump Attack

Friday on WWJ News Radio, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) said vendors were being told not to send medical equipment to Michigan for the coronavirus pandemic after President Donald Trump attacked her on Fox News.
Thursday night on Fox News, Trump said, “We’ve had a big problem with the young — a woman governor. You know who I’m talking about — from Michigan. We don’t like to see the complaints.”
He added, “She doesn’t get it done, and we send her a lot. Now, she wants a declaration of emergency, and, you know, we’ll have to make a decision on that. But Michigan is a very important state. I love the people of Michigan.”
When asked about Trump’s comments, Whitmer said, “I think it’s very distressing. You know I observed early on like a lot of governors on both sides of the aisle that the federal preparation was concerning. That apparently struck a nerve, and I’ve been uniquely singled out despite my voice not being the only one that observed that. I have never — I don’t go into personal attacks I don’t have time for that. I don’t have energy for that frankly. All of our focus has to be on COVID-19 right here right now.”
When asked about getting needed supplies, Whitmer said, “That is all I’ve been striving for this whole time. We need assistance. When the federal government told us that we needed to go it ourself, we started procuring every item we get our hands-on. But what I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we’ve procured contracts are now being told not to send stuff here to Michigan. It’s really concerning. I reached out to the White House last night and asked for a phone call with the president. Ironically at the same time that all the other stuff going on. But the fact of the matter remains we need help, and the very least we don’t need people standing in  our way from getting it.”

National Cathedral Discovers 5,000 N95 Masks Stashed in Crypt

Joe Alonso, the head stonemason at Washington’s National Cathedral, who knows the church better than anyone, discovered 5,000 N95 masks stashed away in the church’s crypt.
Alonso made this discovery after reading news about the coronavirus pandemic and remembering that there was something stashed away in the church’s crypt level that could help fight the virus: 5,000 N95 masks purchased more than ten years ago after a health scare.
With the number of coronavirus patients increasing, healthcare workers are facing dire shortages of masks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has advised health professionals to reuse masks or use scarves or bandannas in place of masks to control the shortages.
“In these difficult and trying times, the Cathedral community is doing everything we can to help protect the most vulnerable among us from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic,” the Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, dean of Washington National Cathedral said in a statement.
After contacting the CDC to make sure the masks were safe to donate, Hollerith and a group of others took time on Wednesday to load boxes of N95 masks into a van to deliver them to local hospitals.
The cathedral said 2,000 of those masks were donated to Children’s National Hospital, and 3,000 were donated to Georgetown University Hospital.
“The Cathedral will retain a small number of masks to facilitate in pastoral care needs,” it said in its news release.
The cathedral purchased the masks in 2006 when concerns about the bird flu or H5N1 were on the world’s mind. But after the flu went away without causing much damage in the U.S., the masks went into storage.
(Note, please, that those two outbreaks were three years apart. Did they purchase those in 2006, for the bird flu, or in 2009, for the swineflu - H1N1 - that was actually pretty bad?)

Hmm… SEIU Union in California Suddenly Finds Mysterious Stash of 39 Million Face Masks — 3 Days After AG Bill Barr Announces They’re Going After Hoarders

The President was joined by Vice President Mike Pence, US Attorney General Bill Barr and others.
Trump signed a second executive order to providing authority to address hoarding and price gouging that threatens the supply of medical supplies.
Attorney General Bill Barr put hoarders on notice and said they will get a knock on the door if they are sitting on a large amount of supplies.
“We have started to see some evidence of potential hoarding and price gouging,” said Barr. “So, earlier today the president signed a second executive order providing the authority to address…hoarding that threatens the supply of those necessary health and medical resources.”
“If you have a big supply of toilet paper in your house, this is not something you have to worry about. But if you are sitting on a warehouse with masks, surgical masks, you will be hearing a knock on your door,” Barr said.

Then today this happened…

Then on Thursday the SEIU Healthcare Workers West announced they had located a mysterious stash of 39 million N95 face masks.
What wonderful news!

NBC Bay Area reported:
Service Employees International Union United Healthcare Workers West announced Thursday that it located 39 million N95 masks and will make them available to state and local governments and health care systems that are fighting the novel coronavirus outbreak.
The union found a distributor with the masks, which are cleared for surgical use, after pleas from health care workers as new coronavirus cases surge across the state and the country as a whole.
Union officials said they also found a supplier that can produce some 20 million protective masks per week and another that can supply millions of protective face shields.

So, why is the Left tying to hoard supplies, all while claiming that we don't have enough?  What is the real goal here? Notice, these same people will be demanding all sorts of restrictions, all sorts of loss of freedom for people, as we see happening in every Leftist city, which also happen to be the places hardest hit. 

There is an election coming.  Pelosi already tried to push ballot harvesting into the relief bill, as is being used now to cheat in California.  Remember, come election day, where these people really stand.  It isn't with the American people.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

NWO Plans, Bill Gates, Globaist/Antochrist Agenda

Now this is interesting.  Proven?  Perhaps not,but plenty of information available to support it. 

Is Bill Gates Profiting from the Outbreak? Or Is Something Far More Sinister Taking Place?

Many people suspect that the coronavirus is being used as the scapegoat for a financial collapse, which Spiro Skouras believes will then be used as the excuse to usher in a new monetary and financial system of control.
Spiro’s research echoes my own observations about the convergence of Agenda 2030, Modern Monetary Theory, the blockchain, the end of the petrodollar and a new financial system based on a centralized inventory of assets and resources, including living beings and their genomes. Everything is to be put on a blockchain to become trackable nodes on the Global Information Grid (GIG).
He says, “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding a program, which will soon offer an at-home testing kit for the coronavirus…[Bill Gates] must be an expert, considering his foundation co-hosted Event 201, the United Nations’ pandemic simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, which preceded the actual corona virus outbreak by about six weeks and also coincided with the United Nations-themed World Military Games, which took place in Wuhan, China [the] ground zero of this outbreak…
“If you believe you’ve been exposed to or infected by the virus, you can simply just go online and fill out a questionnaire and the test will be delivered to you within two hours.
“It doesn’t specify how the test will get there, who’s gonna deliver it, whether it’s coming by drone. We don’t know. It’s just ‘It’ll be there in two hours.’ That’s pretty impressive…
“The results will be available within two days and will be shared with local health authorities so they can track your movements and your contacts, making it easier for health officials to locate others who may need to be tested and/or quarantined, as well as to track the virus, itself and its spread and possibly identify other potential hotspots.
“This sounds a bit Orwellian to me but after all, it is a public health emergency, so I guess extreme circumstances call for extreme measures, right?
“They state the intent for this program to expand to a state level and beyond, eventually. What I get out of this is it sounds to me like they are building a database to track potentially infected people – and not just any database but a DNA database – realistically, that has this potential because they will collect your DNA once they swab your nose and conduct this test…
“When you start to look into other programs that Gates is involved in, we start to see a trend and this starts to raise some red flags for me. For example, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have also funded an invisible biometric tattoo program to identify vaccinated people, which can be given at birth or throughout any time in your life.
“And this was designed to be able to track entire nations of people now could this program be related to or at least at some point integrated into the program and the database that we were seeing the Gates Foundation setting up right now, in the United States regarding the coronavirus?
“It’s anybody’s guess. We’ll have to see but this isn’t the only example. Another program that’s connected to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the ID 2020 program, which is a program that claims that roughly 1 billion people on Earth are ‘in danger’ because they have no internationally-accepted form of identification.
“So, those people who are ‘at risk’ include people who are affected by a refugee crisis, which, of course the current migrant crisis or refugee crisis that we have been seeing over the past several years appears very well to be an engineered crisis, using weapons of mass migration to destabilize nations.
“And we’re seeing this take place. Others, they state are at risk are people who don’t have medical records documented anywhere or birth records. So, they want to be able to track your birth records, your medical records and which life-saving vaccines you may potentially need with this biometric, invisible tattoo that they’ll be able to imprint on you and scan and log into their databases. This is no joke…
“This program is not only funded by Microsoft – and Bill Gates separately – but Gates actually founded one of the main organizations named Gavi, which is leading this program. Other partners include Accenture, which is a Ripplenet partner, the Rockefeller Foundation and multiple branches of the United Nations, including its international computing Center, which will likely be running to some degree the international database.
“This digital ID system will track everyone and everything using blockchain technology and not only will it provide medical history on you via the biometric tattoos or implanted microchips which they mentioned in these reports, it will also be used for employment and background checks and will most likely be tied to your social credit score and even your bank accounts.
“If you want to be able to do business, buy or sell things or even be employed, you will likely have to be integrated into the system. This is why I believe that this current health crisis is no accident. It aligns with all of their goals. As we can see, right here on the United Nations’ own website. For its 2030 agenda goal number 16.9: ‘By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.’
“This is exactly what these programs are being set up to do and they’re being funded right now by people in organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations and many others.
“They are rolling out these programs, using this current crisis as cover. Cover for their new digital financial system. Cover further new global governance programs.
“I’ve reported on this numerous times and we just get more and more confirmation every day. This is all connected. We can see the same players involved, under every rock that we look under…
“The central banks will integrate almost two billion people, which they call ‘the unbanked’ into this new system of slavery, in partnership with the UN, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Bill Gates. These are the social engineers, with their technocratic plan for Full Spectrum Dominance and it’s happening right now. This is why we are seeing this censorship take place. This is why they have tried to silence me and others in the past.
“Please share this information before it’s too late, as if it’s not too late already.
“Follow my work on BitChute, Twitter, ActivistPost. I really do appreciate ActivistPost and all the other sites out there who do post my work. I don’t get paid to do this. I’m not running ads. It’s actually costing me money and precious time to make these reports.
“Stay tuned for much more.”
Alexandra Bruce

Contributed by


Ever wonder how the Antichrist could take such total control?  Well, now, you know one way!  Trust in God, not in Globalists.

Michigan AG Goes Fascist

This is becoming ridiculous, and is what we saw during Nazi Germany, and in the USSR, and in China today. 

Michigan Attorney General Urges Residents to Call Cops on Neighbors Violating Stay-at-Home Order

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is asking residents to tattle on their neighbors if they believe they are violating the governor’s stay-at-home order.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) issued the order March 24, which bans travel and work, except for “essential” reasons, in an attempt to stifle the spread of coronavirus. It lasts through April 13.
Now, Nessel is urging Michiganders to contact local law enforcement if they believe their neighbors are breaking the order.
“These are unprecedented times and my office is working with Gov. Whitmer’s office, local law enforcement agencies and other parties to ensure these executive orders are being followed,” Nessel said in a statement. She continued:
The orders are in place to protect the public health and welfare of Michigan’s residents, and consequences will result to those found to be in willful violation. By working together through this public health emergency and staying home, we can help slow the spread of COVID-19 across the state.
Nessel asked residents to contact her office to file reports of “price-gouging and scams” but any other violations should be registered with police.
“For other violations of the Governor’s executive orders, please contact the law enforcement agency where you reside,” the statement read.
“We’re all in this together and we are counting on every resident to do everything they can to stay safe, stay healthy and stay home,” Nessel said.
Meanwhile, calls to 911 in other parts of the country are already on the rise.
WCBS reported:
FDNY commissioner Daniel Nigro says calls to 911 have spiked about 50 percent amid the coronavirus pandemic. The excess calls are putting a strain on 911.
“Our members are keeping up, but barely,” Nigro said. “I ask for the public’s help to please don’t over use 911. Use it for when you have to.”
Authorities in Louisiana are asking residents to call 911 only in emergency situations. Via WAFB:
Officials with East Baton Rouge Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are asking the public to stop calling 911 for non-emergency situations.
Brad Harris, a spokesperson for EMS, says you should only call 911 for life-threatening situations, such as cardiac arrest, unconsciousness, stroke, heart attacks, seizures, and other critical conditions.
“If a caller is found to have non-life threatening symptoms potentially related to COVID-19, the medics will assess the patient and contact a healthcare provider for instruction,” Harris told the news station.
Violators of Whitmer’s stay-at-home order could pay a $500 fine or be jailed for 90 days.

These fascists are showing their true colors.  Imagine, too, the strain this puts on the police?  Calls for someone leaving their home?  I hope people remember this evil behavior come election day.  Every single one of these fascists needs to be removed from office.  

Woman Deliberately Contaminates Grocery Store - $35K Loss

This is insane!  This Pennsylvania woman deliberately contaminated food in a grocery store, stating that she was spreading the virus.  She's being charged with "2 Felony counts of Terrorist Threats, 1 Felony count of Threats to use a"Biological agent", and 1 Felony count of Criminal Mischief. In addition to Misdemeanor counts of Criminal Attempt to commit Retail Theft and Disorderly Conduct.", according to the police.  FB post from local cops

Hanover Township woman charged in Gerrity's Supermarket coughing episode

HANOVER TWP. — The woman accused of hacking up a fit that caused Gerrity’s Supermarkets to toss out an estimated $35,000 worth of food was hit Thursday with terroristic threat and weapons of mass destruction charges alleging she threatened to expose people to the novel coronavirus.
“I have the virus. Now everyone is going to get sick,” the charges quote township resident Margaret Cirko, 35, as saying during her episode at the Sans Souci Parkway supermarket on Wednesday.
According to the complaint, were were dispatched to the store around 2 p.m. Wednesday to a report of a disorderly woman who was yelling that she “has the virus” while coughing and spitting on food and merchandise.
The store manager, Leonard Karabon, reported that the woman — later identified as Cirko — entered the store and immediately began “violently coughing and spitting” on produce that was for sale while repeatedly saying she was infected by COVID-19, which has so far sickened 36 people and killed one in Luzerne County.
Cirko continued her coughing routine throughout the store, hitting up the meat department and grocery aisles as an employee began following her and telling her to leave, police said. At one point, she forced herself to vomit on merchandise, according to the complaint.
Several employees confirmed witnessing Cirko coughing and spitting, and at least one said she was “smiling and laughing” during her performance, according to police.
When she finally did leave, Cirko grabbed a 12-pack of Yuengling Lager and tried to flee, although employees grabbed it out of her hands prior to her exiting the store, police said.
Officers used surveillance footage to identify the spitter as Cirko, whom they knew from “prior police contacts,” the charges say.
Investigators brought Cirko, of 50 Tomko Ave., to a hospital for a mental health evaluation prior to charging her with criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, retail theft, making terroristic threats and making a bomb threat related to a weapon of mass destruction.
Magisterial District Judge Joseph A. Halesey arraigned her on the charges Thursday afternoon and ordered her jailed at the Luzerne County Correctional Facility with bail set at $50,000.
The incident prompted Gerrity’s to throw out an estimated $35,000 worth of products at a time many grocery stores are experiencing shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gerrity’s co-owner Joe Fasula previously said that he was “sick to my stomach” about the loss of food.
“While there is little doubt this woman was doing it as a very twisted prank, we will not take any chances with the health and well-being of our customers” Fasula said. “We had no choice but to throw out all product she came in contact with. Working closely with the Hanover Township health inspector, we identified every area that she was in, we disposed of the product and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected everything.”

This is beyond sickening (no pun intended).  Deliberately trying to make people sick?  What possesses someone to do such a thing?  Unable, so far, to locate anything regarding her political beliefs.  According to this, though, she has several Facebook accounts:

Why? Hanover Township woman arrested coughing on $35K worth of food

Margaret Cirko Hanover Pennsylvania woman charged in stunt which saw her cough on $35K worth of produce at Gerrity’s Supermarket – forcing the grocery to throw away items amid fears of coronavirus epidemic.

Police have arrested a woman alleged to have coughed on about $35,000 worth of food at a Pennsylvania grocery store earlier this week in what’s believed to be a ‘very twisted prank’ amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Margaret Cirko, 35, of Hanover was charged with threatening to use a weapon of mass destruction, making terroristic threats and disorderly conduct, Hanover Township Police Chief Albert Walker said in a Facebook release on Thursday.
Cirko visited the Hanover location of the small grocery chain Gerrity’s Supermarket before 2:20 p.m. Wednesday and coughed on fresh produce, a small section of the bakery, meat case and grocery items, Gerrity’s Supermarket co owner Joe Fasula told via WYOU. 

‘I have the virus, now you are all going to get sick.’ 

During the stunt, Cirko is alleged to have laughed before yelling, ‘I have the virus, now you are all going to get sick.’ 
Police said an employee stopped Cirko from stealing a 12 pack of beer when she was being chased out of the store. An employee managed to obtain the license plate of a 2008 Ford she drove away in.
During a preliminary arraignment, bail was set at $50,000 and Cirko was transported to the Luzerne County Correctional Facility, the reported.
Margaret Cirko Hanover Pa woman
Margaret Cirko Hanover Pa woman

Testing to see whether our collective hero tests positive for COVID-19:

Walker would not confirm whether Cirko in fact had COVID-19. Fasula said she is not believed to be infected, but authorities ‘will make every effort to see that she is tested.’
‘While there is little doubt this woman was doing it as a very twisted prank, we will not take any chances with the health and well-being of our customers. We had no choice but to throw out all product she came in contact with,’ Gerrity’s Supermarket stated in a Facebook post.
Of note, Fasula described Cirko as being a ‘chronic problem’ in the community. Not immediately clear is whether there had prior ‘episodes’ at Gerrity’s? 
A regard of social media revealed Cirko appearing to have multiple Facebook pages, including one in which her bio describes that she ‘works at IM A F***ING HUSTLER BABY !!’
Welcome to a brave new apocalyptic coronavirus world ….
I think this could be another of her accounts, based ont he photo from the one article:
Possible FB account - not verified!

There are several others with the same name, and pics that could be her:

Similar makeup, for certain, looks like the same person to me, as much as you can see through all the makeup, anyway. 

Crazy days.....

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hope by Easter?

Our president has a plan, that could perhaps see the nation back to normal by Easter Sunday!  Poetic, that.

Exclusive–The Endgame: HHS Secretary Alex Azar Lays Out How Trump Will Defeat Coronavirus ‘Invisible Enemy,’ Reopen America

Win McNamee/Getty Images
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar told Breitbart News exclusively that President Donald Trump in the coming days will work with his medical and scientific advisers to make a determination on how and when to reopen the country after wide-scale closure in the effort to stop the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.
Azar is one of Trump’s closest advisers and a top member of Vice President Mike Pence’s Coronavirus Task Force to lead the American response to this crisis. He said that the president will consult with White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Robert Redfield, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Dr. Stephen Hahn, among others, about the so-called “curve” of the disease and how effective the extraordinary measures to stop its spread taken by Americans nationwide have been.
“The president will look at the data with his top medical advisers, people like Dr. Debbie Birx, Tony Fauci, Robert Redfield, Steve Hahn at FDA, as well as I’m sure outside advisers, and will make a decision in the next week whether to continue the 15 days or whether there are appropriate modifications he would make to the rest of the country,” Azar told Breitbart News in a phone interview on Tuesday afternoon. “For instance, whether it’s to look, as Dr. Birx I believe said yesterday in the press conference, to look at maybe focusing in localized areas instead of common national recommendations.”
“But that will be from what his advisers are seeing in the data, where the hotspots are, and whether we’re seeing communities that have taken these types of efforts and actually lived up to them, if you’re seeing a bending of the curve from an epidemiological perspective,” he explained. “That might be difficult because with epidemiological data there’s always a lag in terms of what you’re seeing, so some of this, in terms of the advice from his top scientific advisers, will be based on their experience and expertise, and I’m sure the president will have to balance against that the very valid concerns about the impact on the economy and the social fabric in the United States against those restrictions.”
The data that the president and his team of doctors and scientists will consider as they make their decision on reopening America, Azar said, is most importantly mortality rates of the disease—but also infection rates and other data.
“Dr. Birx said yesterday at the press conference the most important data point you look at that is essentially irrefutable is mortality data,” Azar said. “How many people are dying from Covid-19? That will be your firmest bit of data in assessing the situation. You will also look at infection rates and new cases, but the problem there is you never can test everybody. So the testing gives you an indicator and gives you a trend, but it is certainly less secure information than mortality data that you would look at.”
Trump, later on Tuesday after Azar’s interview with Breitbart News, said during a Fox News town hall that he hopes to reopen much of the United States by Easter Sunday, April 12. Trump, with Dr. Birx standing alongside him on Monday evening in the White House briefing room, began signaling the reopening of the country. He seems to have an ally in New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has also voiced support for reopening the country.
President Trump has called this fight against the virus a “war” against an “invisible enemy” and has noted how people are calling him a “wartime president” in responding to the crisis. If that’s the case, that Trump is leading an American war again the virus, then that means Azar is one of the president’s generals in this war. In that vein, asked how President Trump is approaching this from a wartime perspective, Azar explained that Trump has rallied the whole country against the coronavirus in much the same way President Woodrow Wilson did in World War I or President Franklin Delano Roosevelt did in World War II.
“President Trump as our commander in chief has been marshaling every resource, not just of our government but of the economy as well, in the way that President Wilson in World War I would have or President Roosevelt in World War II,” Azar said. “That’s where you see the complete mobilization of the production capacity of the United States to make sure we have the personal protective equipment and supplies, that we have ventilators, that we have hospital capacities, that we can handle the surge—that we have the same country that did the Manhattan Project develop a vaccine [candidate] within three days, three days of getting the Chinese sequence, we have a vaccine candidate that is now in human testing eight weeks after that was developed at a historically fast rate, that we marshal all of our resources to therapeutics. So it’s really that kind of mentality that President Trump leads, like a wartime president in harvesting every aspect of the government, the economy, and the social order towards defeating an enemy.”
What’s more, while President Trump has invoked the Defense Production Act through which the federal government can compel companies to make products necessary for addressing the national emergency, he has not needed to actually force any company to make any product as of this time because companies are stepping up and helping voluntarily. Azar told Breitbart News this is because the president has rallied the whole country behind his “Whole of America” approach to winning this war.
“Because of President Trump’s leadership and his call to action, he has mobilized the entire economy,” Azar said. “We see this and we see companies coming forward and saying ‘how can I help?’ Not saying ‘How can I help and pay me’ even, but just ‘how can I help?’ You’ve heard of major auto manufacturers saying that we will make ventilators for the country, you’ve seen industrial suppliers come forward and say ‘I have half a million or a million N95 respirators’—those are the masks—‘here, have them, I’m giving them to you’ instead of the days where they might put a markup on that, and say ‘I’ve got them but here’s a price.’ The president has called all of the country towards this war on the invisible enemy. They’re coming forward, and so while we have those authorities if we need to, I have been very impressed by the nation’s manufacturers in particular coming forward to do everything they can do to help our country.”
Azar also said that regarding critical supply chains for key pharmaceuticals and medical supplies and devices, this crisis has highlighted President Trump’s vision—which he has believed and fought for even before coronavirus—pushing for bringing manufacturing back home domestically is correct. Azar also said that he is not concerned that any critical medications will be withheld from foreign countries, including especially China, despite some rumblings from Chinese state media about threats to withhold medicines from the U.S. amid this crisis.
“These are complex multi-billion dollar supply chains with sterile FDA-approved manufacturing, so they don’t move overnight, but this certainly has highlighted an issue President Trump was already concerned about which is thinking about medical products as strategic products for the safety of our country and thinking in the future about how that supply chain needs to reside and be less dependent on foreign sources,” Azar said. “I’m confident that President Trump in his dealings with President Xi and China will ensure that we have access to products that we need if they’re able to be produced. That’s why it’s good that China has bent its curve and is getting back to work and is reopening factories. I’m sure President Trump will, as he always does, fight for the American worker and fight for our healthcare in working with any country.”
On chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, anti-malarial drugs that have shown anecdotal promise in treating people who become infected with coronavirus, Azar said that Trump’s vision as president on this matter and more broadly with the field of emerging medicines for patients in dire need has been clear. He called Trump the “Right to Try president” after the president’s successful efforts in getting exploratory treatments to patients in need, and said Trump is aiming to follow that same vision of bringing hope to the public with these experimental and thus-far-untested medications.
“This is an example of President Trump’s longstanding commitment to patients in distress have access to even experimental therapies as long as they go in with their eyes open that there are risks with unproven therapies that have not been established as safe for use by the FDA,” Azar said. “The president will leave no stone unturned to be sure that there are therapeutics available for people to try. Remember, this is the Right to Try president. This is the president who was the first to get Right to Try legislation so that people who have no hope could have new hope on new therapies that haven’t yet been proven but could give that a try. That’s the same mentality he’s bringing here to COVID-19, which is if there are products that doctors think might be helpful, we need to make sure there are no regulatory barriers to the doctors being able to use them if they might be able to save a patient’s life.”
Azar concluded the interview by again laying out the end game in the effort to eradicate the coronavirus and what steps the government is taking to crush it and be ready in case it comes back later.
“Diseases have a natural curve to them,” Azar said. “That’s why we talk about the ‘curve.’ There’s a natural increase and then decrease with any disease, whether that’s the nature of the disease or, as what happens with most respiratory illnesses, a seasonality whereas as warmer weather approaches people engage in natural social distancing—they’re outside and more spread out—or even as the disease responds unfavorably to humid and warmer conditions. That’s why our goal is if we can delay this curve through the president’s historic actions and contain it and keep it outside of our borders with restrictions on travel from China, from Europe, and from Iran et cetera—or with our 15 Days to Slow the Spread action to flatten that curve and to make sure during its impact that it’s not overtaxing our health care system’s capacity. There will be a natural decline in that curve. It will happen. We use that time effectively to develop a vaccine and therapeutics so that in the event that the curve returns with a wave in the fall or next winter, if there’s seasonality and it were to come back, we will continue to work on those longer-term efforts like therapies and vaccines.”

Common sense, strong leadership, and a real concern for Americans!  Meanwhile, the Left would see people dying to push their evil agenda.  Remember this come election time, and be sure to pass along the information to others.

Donald Trump on Reopening Economy: ‘I’d Love to Have it Open by Easter’

President Donald Trump speaks during a Fox News virtual town hall with members of the coronavirus task force, at the White House, Tuesday, March 24, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
AP Photo/Evan Vucci
President Donald Trump said during a Fox News town hall on Tuesday that he wanted to get the economy reopened by Easter.
“I’d love to have it open by Easter,” Trump said, setting a date for reopening the country for the first time.
Easter is on April 12.
“I would love to have the country opened up and rearing to go by Easter,” he repeated.
“That would be a great American resurrection,” Fox News moderator Bill Hemer replied.
The president has promised to listen to his doctors and advisers on loosening restrictions set by the government to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but has said would ultimately make the final decision.
Trump appeared upbeat during the event, pleased that the stock market rose over 1,600 points on Tuesday.
He said he looked forward to the day that Americans could go to work, noting that a massive economic depression had its own death toll.
“We can socially distance ourselves and go to work, and you’ll have to work a little bit harder,” Trump said. “You can clean your hands five times as more as you used to, you don’t have to shake hands anymore with people.”
Trump said again that he wanted the economy reopened in weeks, not months and suggested that the United States would be ready.
“It’s not built to shut down,” he said. “Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy. They don’t want to be locked in a house or an apartment or some space.”
The president said that putting restrictions on Americans last week was “one of the most difficult decisions that he ever made.”
“You’re basically turning off the country,” he said, adding that, “I wasn’t happy about it, and I also knew I had to do it.”
Trump said that the economic shutdown was “painful” and “destabilizing” but that it would soon be time for Americans to return to their lives.
“We have to go back to work, much sooner than people thought, and people can go back to work and they can also practice good judgment,” he said.
Dr. Deborah Birx said during the town hall that she would continue looking at the data, and urged Americans to continue following the restrictions set by the Centers for Disease Control.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Pelosi Using Virus to Try and Steal the Election!!

This woman has no shame, no sense of decency, no honesty.  Instead of supporting the stimulus package everyone else wants passed, she's trying to push her own, and push through practices that allow election theft, and ballot stuffing.  Read, and pass along!  Anyone in California who can vote needs to vote her out, along with the rest of the leftist swamp rats!!

Pelosi ‘Stimulus’ Bill Imposes Nationwide ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Without ‘Any Limit’

by Joel B. Pollak
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s new stimulus bill would mandate nationwide “ballot harvesting,” allowing party operatives to return other people’s ballots to polling places without “any limit” on the number of ballots.
“Ballot harvesting” was legalized in California in 2016, and first used in the 2018 midterm elections. It allows anyone to drop off someone else’s mail-in ballot at a polling station. There is no process for vetting or verifying those delivering the ballots — no background checks or identification requirements. Democrats dropped hundreds of thousands of ballots off at polling stations in 2018, helping Democrats as they flipped seven Republican seats.
The practice is illegal in most other states, largely because it is susceptible to fraud and intimidation. Republicans were caught flat-footed in 2018; they have experimented with the tactic in recent special elections, only to find the their voters adamantly refuse to give their ballots to strangers. Democrats are more open to the practice — often became the “harvester” also registers the voter, according to Republican National Committeeman Shawn Steel.
California’s “ballot harvesting” law has yet to be challenged in court. It is one reason that California remains a one-party state, with little prospect for change in the foreseeable future.
Pelosi wants to take that system nationwide.
Her bill, released Monday afternoon, provides that every state:
A) shall permit a voter to designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building, or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any form of compensation based on the number of ballots that the person has returned and no individual, group, or organization provides compensation on this basis; and (B) may not put any limit on how many voted and sealed absentee ballots any designated person can return to the post office, a ballot drop off location, tribally designated building, or election office.
In other words, paid party operatives can literally truck thousands and thousands of ballots to the polls, provided they earn a salary or fee, and are not paid by the ballot.
It is a practice that is known in Third World countries as “ballot stuffing,” and is outlawed in every democracy, no matter how poor — even in countries where the physical and administrative obstacles to voting are far greater than in the world’s most developed economy.
And it is Pelosi’s condition for saving the U.S. economy from coronavirus.
Sickening!  They can't win honestly, so they steal elections.  She doesn't even care who she hurts in the process.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Can we Trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?

I'd say, no, we can't, based on this Wuhan virus situation, and how they've responded to China's laims and actions!

WHO Spread False Chinese Government Propaganda: Coronavirus Not Contagious Among Humans

The World Health Organization (WHO) praised Beijing’s response to the novel coronavirus in line with Chinese propagandists, at one point denying human-to-human transmission was taking place as the deadly and highly contagious disease spiraled out of control inside the communist country.
WHO Twitter messages from January and February show that the United Nations body was spreading Chinese propaganda. Health officials detected the first case of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on November 17 in Wuhan, China.
Communist officials in China hid the extent of the coronavirus outbreak during the early stages of the epidemic, jailing and silencing whistleblowers, a move that allowed the virus to gain a firm hold. The ruling communist party, however, has hailed the recent slowdown of the outbreak as a sign of the superiority of its authoritarian political system.
study published earlier this month by the University of Southampton, determined that China could have prevented 95 percent of the coronavirus infections plaguing the globe if Beijing had listened to the doctor whistleblowers in Wuhan about the seriousness of the disease instead of silencing and punishing them for speaking out.
“At critical moments, officials chose to put secrecy and order ahead of openly confronting the growing crisis to avoid public alarm and political embarrassment,” the New York Times acknowledged in early February. China has refused to apologize for its mishandling of the outbreak during its initial phase.
Meanwhile, it appears that the WHO has been covering for the ruling communist party in China.
On January 14, the day before the first case to reach the United States reportedly flew from Wuhan to Seattle, Washington, the WHO denied that the disease was spreading through human-to-human transmission.
“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel [coronavirus] identified in [Wuhan],” the WHO wrote on Twitter.

It took the WHO a few days to finally concede on Twitter that person-to-person transmission was indeed possible, but it continued to downplay that threat for several days.

On February 4, the U.N. body cast doubt on assertions that asymptomatic persons infected by coronavirus could transmit the disease.

Although coronavirus had been traced to an animal market in Wuhan by late January, the WHO claimed in early February that it did not know the source of the outbreak.

As of February 11, the WHO was still casting doubt on assertions that the virus originated from animals in China.

On February 14, the WHO tweeted that the body’s director, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, had pushed back against critics who denounced him for commending China’s response to the virus.
Dr. Tedros told reporters that day:
Too much has been written & said about my praise for [China]. I have given credit where it’s due & I will continue to do that, as I would for any country that fights an outbreak aggressively at its source to protect its own people & the world, even at a great cost to itself.

Echoing false Chinese communist party statements, the WHO tweeted on February 21 that Dr. Tedros had claimed that China’s handling of the coronavirus gave the rest of the world “a fighting chance of containing the spread of the coronavirus.”

Although coronavirus spread from China to the rest of the world, the WHO suggested earlier this year that Beijing contained the disease.
“This [coronavirus] is not influenza. With the right measures, it can be contained. That is one of the key messages from [China],” the WHO Twitter account quoted its Dr. Tedros as telling reporters on February 27.

Throughout the outbreak, there have been more cases in China than anywhere else in the world, making the communist country the epicenter of the global pandemic. Nevertheless, the WHO repeatedly claimed in February that new cases were on a downward spiral.
On March 13, the U.S. government summoned the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, to the State Department to protest Beijing’s suggestion that the American military brought the coronavirus to China.
Trump administration officials have lambasted China’s propaganda effort to reframe the coronavirus outbreak as a triumph for communism now that new cases in the country have allegedly begun to drop.
According to the WHO, calling the disease the “Chinese coronavirus” could lead to the stigmatization of Asian groups and “potentially” make them sicker.
Mainstream media outlets in the United States and the Chinese government have parroted similar claims, saying that calling the disease the “Chinese coronavirus” is racist.
The WHO tweeted on February 25:
Stigma occurs when people negatively associate an infectious disease with a specific population. This means that people are being labeled, stereotyped, separated and/or experience loss of status and discrimination because of a potential negative affiliation with [COVID-19].

“Stigmatization could potentially contribute to: more severe health problems; ongoing transmission; [and] difficulties controlling infectious diseases during an epidemic,” the U.N. entity added.

The global health community stopped naming diseases after places in recent years.
At a January 28 meeting with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, the WHO director reportedly offered effusive praise for Beijing’s transparency and management of the coronavirus outbreak in late January, even though China initially tried to hide the epidemic from its public and the rest of the globe as the disease spread.
Dr. Tedros also blasted other governments, like the United States, that tried to prevent the outbreak from spreading even further beyond China’s borders by suspending travel to and from the country.
This month, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, proclaimed that the coronavirus outbreak would be “worse” if U.S. President Donald Trump had not implemented travel bans on China early this year.
The WHO director served as health minister in Ethiopia, which has a Marxist past. China is currently the largest foreign investor in the African country.
Communist China is now the second-biggest donor to the United Nation’s regular budget after the United States. As such, Beijing holds considerable sway over the WHO, a U.N. entity.
Perhaps one of the most glaring examples of the influence Beijing holds over the WHO is its success in blocking Taiwan’s access to the body, a position that could devastate the Taiwanese people as coronavirus continues to spread.
Although China does not control Taiwan, it claims the island as part of its territory.

This s the Globalist response, and it's being supported by Leftists, who have no respect for this free sovereign nation.   There is a reason many are acting as fascists during this time.  Remember that when voting.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Another Chinese Virus??

Now this is quite curious...

Ethiopian Nomads Bleeding to Death After Arrival of Chinese Oil and Gas Firm

GELADID, ETHIOPIA: Nomads pass by the dead body of a goat 14 April 2000, near Geladid, southwestern Ethiopia. Geladid became the refuge of nomads looking for water, following the three years of drought. (Photo credit should read JOEL ROBINE/AFP via Getty Images)
A mystery illness has killed more than 2,000 nomads in Ethiopia’s Somali region since 2014, according to a report published Tuesday by Voice of America (VOA).
Those who have treated the ill say symptoms of the mysterious illness include bleeding from the nose and mouth, swollen limbs, and a green or yellow tint to eyes. Victims of this mystery ailment comprise a nomadic tribe of cattle herders, who roam the Ogaden Basin region, rich in oil and natural gas reserves.
Another group drawn to the Ogaden Basin region is the Chinese oil and gas firm Poly-GCL, which has surveyed the area since 2014, when the nomads began to exhibit symptoms of the illness.
The imminent construction of a pipeline by Poly-GCL in the region near Calub, Ethiopia, has riled residents, who argue the project will destroy the local environment and compromise grazing area for their cattle; they also add that they have not been consulted regarding the enterprise.
With the commercial gas venture on the horizon, the Ethiopian government has recently signed an agreement with Poly-GCL allowing for the African nation to gain 50 percent of any income from oil or gas production. As a result of the Chinese pipeline, Ethiopia will be able to export natural gas.
Despite concern from both locals and outsiders, such as Western reporters and researchers from human rights groups, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed denies allegations that the oil and gas project has caused any damage to the health and environment of the region or its people.
He defends the deal with the Chinese as essential for Ethiopia’s economic growth. Ethiopia indeed looks to China for economic support.
The joint oil and gas venture between the two nations illustrates a strategic alliance between Ahmed and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, whose Belt and Road Initiative aims to consolidate power for China across Asia, Africa, and Europe.
 The timing is quite suspect.  Let's not forget, the current Wuhan virus is being used to attack the president, after he's taken a firm stand for fairer trade with China.  There is a bio lab in Wuhan.
China Vows To Put An End To "Lab Leakage Of Pathogenic Microorganisms And Various Samples"

There is involvement of a Harvard fellow with Wuhan, as well.
Acclaimed Harvard Scientist Is Arrested, Accused Of Lying About Ties To China

Coincidence?  You decide.

Death Rates Dropping - Just as Expected!

Well, this isn't a surprise at all.  The rates are dropping, as testing is increased, and we are finally seeing some real numbers, showing that the panic that's been pushed isn't necessary. 

The US Coronavirus Death Rate Is Falling, and Germany’s More So

– March 19, 2020

As major news outlets like the New York Times have updated the number of cases of COVID-19 and confirmed deaths from it, a new trend has emerged: the death rate, measured as the number of deaths divided by the number of cases, is falling.
Six days ago, on March 12th, there were 36 deaths caused by the virus in the U.S. out of a total of 1,215 cases. As of this writing on March 18th, there have been 121 deaths out of a total 7,047 cases.
That is a drop in the death rate from 2.96% to 1.72%.
This is encouraging, as the U.S. death rate so far has been substantially lower than in China and even lower than France and the U.K. There has been much talk about policy responses to stem the spread of COVID-19, but school closings and social distancing should mostly affect growth in the number of cases, not the deadliness of the disease itself.
Why would the U.S. death rate fall so much over just a few days? The answer is that as more people are tested for the virus, the death rate falls because it becomes more accurate.
And the most accurate data are likely coming from Germany, which arguably has had better testing than any other country. Germany also has the lowest death rate, at just over 0.1%. If that number sounds familiar, it is roughly the death rate from the 2018-19 flu season in the U.S.
So why is the death rate in Germany so low, and why is it falling in the U.S., exactly? The answer is simple arithmetic. If only people who are hospitalized or very sick get tested, then the denominator – the number of COVID-19 cases – will be biased downward. Those with milder symptoms or no symptoms will not be counted, and the virus will appear more deadly than it really is.
For a clear explanation of the illusions created by incomplete data, and the clarity provided by an accurate denominator, see this from OurWorldinData.
This is surely the case in China and Italy, but it is also likely true in France, the U.K., and even in the U.S. currently. But if testing is more widespread and rapid, then officials get a more accurate estimate of the true death rate. It may be true that quicker, more comprehensive testing can reduce the spread of the disease by allowing for more effective quarantines, but again, that should not make the virus less deadly to those who already have it.
In other words, while Germany is a relatively rich, healthy country, there is no reason why its death rate from COVID-19 should be a fraction of what it is in other similarly rich, healthy countries. What differs is measurement. And part of the reason testing was more effective in Germany is that it was decentralized. Independent labs have been doing the testing, without the direction of a central bureaucracy.
A recent New York Times article highlights this trend and attributes the lower death rate in Germany to better testing, but by a different mechanism; treatment improves when doctors know what they are dealing with:
“Unlike in other countries, where national laboratories had a monopoly on testing, Germany’s distributed system helped doctors to swiftly determine whether suspected cases actually involved the new virus or a common cold, which can have similar symptoms.”
It surely helped in Germany, but it is hard to believe that doctors in Seattle or New York treating patients with a fever or cough right now are not erring on the side of caution. What is surely true is that by testing more people more quickly, Germany has much more accurately measured the number of COVID-19 cases, which most countries are under-stating.
Final note: the latest numbers in the US point to a continued drop in the death rate as testing accelerates.

This is good news  This also means that we don't need to prolong closing everything down for months on end, and crashing the economy, because in short weeks, sensible precautions will see this whole thing finished,  and no more precautions are needed than for any other sort of illness, such as seasonal flu.  Common sense, yes, but shutting down everything?  Not needed. 

For more perspective -

Monday, March 16, 2020

Panic, March Madness, and a Little Perspective

The reports from the media and Leftist politicians, and the accompanying responses from easily led sheeple, in regard to the Wuhan/corona virus outbreak, give a whole new meaning to the term "Mach Madness".  Instead of panicking, however, lets see if we can gain a little perspective.  We can start by taking a look at other serious outbreaks this century, and the responses to those:

Swine Flu (2009)

• Unique combination of genes never before seen in animals or people.
• Affected younger people more than elderly.
• Vaccine not available till second wave of the virus had come and gone.
• From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, It is estimated that there were 60.8 million cases, 274,304 hospitalizations, and 12.469 deaths in the United States due to the H1N1 virus.
• 80% of global deaths occurred in people younger than 65, though with seasonal flus, the norm is that 70-90% of deaths are in patients 65 and older.
• Obama failed to declare a national emergency until late October of 2009, after deaths from the virus are estimated to be at least 3,900, with a possible range of 2,500-6,100, in the United States.

Zika Outbreak (2016)

• Spread by mosquitoes.
• Declared a public health emergency by the WHO in February 2016.
• Causes microcephaly and other birth defects.
• The Olympics were not moved from Rio, even with the serious threat of the disease.
• Travel was not restricted, even though people could spread the infection
to unborn children.

Ebola Outbreak (2013-2016)

• The magnitude of this outbreak was unprecedented.
• By January 2016, there were more than 28,600 cases, with 11,300 deaths reported.
• It is believed that many cases and deaths were not reported, thus numbers are likely much higher.
• The first case during this outbreak was in February 2014.
• The WHO labeled the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on August 8, 2014, only the third time such a declaration had been made since new international health regulations were instated in 2005.
• In September 2009, Obama deployed U.S. troops to aid in efforts to stop the disease. 
• In September, a man who traveled to the United States from Liberia - with no travel restrictions in place - brought the disease with him.  Before flying to Texas, he was in direct contact with a patient in Monrovia.  Dozens of people were directly or indirectly exposed as a result of this man.
• A nurse in Madrid contracted the disease while caring for a missionary who brought the disease from West Africa.
• Liberia was not considered free of the disease until January of 2016.
• Two infected patients were transported to the United States in August.
• Ebola death rates average around 50%, ranging from 25% to 90%.

Wuhan Virus/Coronavirus (2019-2020)

• There are 167,511 cases confirmed globally, with 6,606 deaths.
• China accounts for 81,077 cases, and 3,218 deaths. 
• The rest are spread throughout 151 countries and territories.
• The United States has only 3,497 cases, and only 68 deaths reported.
• The bulk of cases and deaths are from China, or people who traveled there.
• Elderly people and those with other serious health conditions account for the majority of deaths.
• Travel and close contact are responsible for many cases.
• For most people, a corono virus infection is no different from a common cold. 
• If the virus spreads to the lungs, or a person is older, has heart disease, or a weakened mmune system, it can be more serious, as with any respiratory illness.
• President Trump restricted travel from China at he end of January.
• As of this month, he has declared a national emergency,a nd also restricted travel from Europe.
• Other nations that have restricted travel have seen far fewer cases than those who do not rstrict travel.
• Most cases in the United States are in states that also have the highest numbers of homeless people, with accompanying trash and rat problems.

So, why the panic? Why a rush to clear stores of supplies, and even fight over them? 

For more perspective, and his usual targeted snark -

So, keep it real, people.  Be calm, be sensible, be kind toone another, and above all, don't panic!  This is NOT a reason to panic.  Be safe, too.  There are a lot of people around who would rather act like animals, worse than animals, than get along.  So be safe, but remain calm.  This, too, shall pass.