Thursday, February 6, 2020

Extreme Action by Divorcing Man Exposes Commenters' Hatred of Women

This is seriously sick.  Every single time I read any article about a divorce case, oor child support, or anything related, there are always, always, a lot of comments from men who really seem to hate women.  All women.  these men refuse to accept that men should be responsible for their children, or that any could be at fault in any divorce case, and invariably paint women as "gold diggers" or worse, claiming that women only marry for money, and divorce and child support are schemes, because supposedly women "get bored" and want to cash in and move on to fresh victims.  These guys are seriously sick.  They sound a lot like the "angry incel"types, so caught up in their own issues that they can't see anything else, and color everything with the same broad brush.  Worse I'd bet good money that a lot of these guys are actually at fault, that they were the cause of their own divorces, and that many don't want to support their own children, out of bitterness. 

Here's the article that prompted this:

Canadian businessman says he burned $1M in cash to avoid paying ex-wife child support

A Canadian businessman and failed mayoral candidate was thrown in jail for 30 days after telling a judge he burned 1 million Canadian dollars in cash -- in two separate bonfires -- to avoid paying his wife spousal and child support as part of their divorce settlement, according to a report published Tuesday.

In an Ottawa Superior Court hearing last week, Bruce McConville, 55, told a judge he withdrew about 1 million Canadian dollars -- about $750,000 USD -- in 25 separate withdrawals from six separate bank accounts. He claimed he then burned the cash in two bonfires – $743,000 on Sept. 23 and $296,000 on Dec. 15, Ottawa Citizen reported.

McConville, who ran for mayor of Ottawa in 2018, claimed to have receipts to prove he withdrew the money. He said he did not record the bonfires and no one witnessed him set the cash ablaze.

“Can I back you up a bit? When you say you destroyed it, what do you mean?” Superior Court Justice Kevin Phillips asked, to which McConville replied: “I burnt it.”

“It’s not something that I would normally do,” McConville said, according to Ottawa Citizen. “I am not a person that is extremely materialistic. A little goes a long way. I have always been frugal. That’s why my business lasted for 31 years.”

“I don’t believe you. I don’t trust you. I don’t think you’re honest,” the judge told him. “I find what you have done to be morally reprehensible because what you claim to have done willfully and directly undermines the interests of your children.”

McConville said he earned the money he later burned by selling some of his properties and businesses to his former accountant – a direct violation of a court order not to sell his assets. He also has failed to file an affidavit disclosing his finances to the court.

The judge sentenced McConville to 30 days in jail for violating the court orders. He ordered McConville to pay $2,000 a day to his ex-wife for every day he fails to disclose his finances to the court moving forward.

McConville ran for mayor of the Canadian capital city in 2018 on a tough-on-crime platform but failed to oust incumbent Jim Watson, who’s held the office since 2010.

Bad enough, right?  He was even running for office.  Worse is what I found in some of the comments:

How is it that these guys can't see the truth?  Child support isn't about buying things for the ex-wife; it's about paying for housing, food, clothing, etc., for the children.  Even spousal support isn't a bad thing, if the wife was at home, and the guy decided to divorce.  Guys cheat all the time, but not a one of these fellows admits that, and all blame the women.  Some even act like he's a "god"!  One, note, claims he's lie for the money, while having a screen name you'd think would indicate he was Christian.  Just sick!

In reality, child support can be paid by either spouse.  And, it's set based on the income of the paying parent, and the needs of the children, not "half" what he makes, regardless.  Anyone who would do what this guy claims is vile.  Anyone defending him is as bad as he is.  Note the serial divorcers who still blame the women? 

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