Friday, February 28, 2020

An Act of War?

China is losing it.

Chinese Warship Targets U.S. Plane with Laser in ‘Unsafe and Unprofessional’ Provocation

The U.S. Navy disclosed on Friday that a Chinese destroyer in the western Pacific targeted an American plane flying over international waters with a laser.
The U.S. Pacific Fleet denounced China’s action as an “unsafe and unprofessional” provocation that violated both international maritime codes and agreements reached between America and China.
The U.S. Navy said the incident occurred on Monday, February 17, and involved a P-8A Poseidon patrol aircraft. The American plane was flying through international airspace about 380 miles west of Guam when a Chinese destroyer aimed a laser at it.
The laser, which was not visible to the naked eye, was captured by a sensor onboard the P-8A. Weapons-grade lasers could potentially cause serious harm to aircrew and mariners, as well as ship and aircraft systems.
The Navy said the Chinese vessel’s “unsafe and unprofessional” action violated the international Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea, which “specifically addresses the use of lasers that could cause harm to personnel or damage to equipment,” and was also “inconsistent” with an understanding reached between the American and Chinese militaries on safe conduct during aerial and maritime encounters.
Research fellow Collin Koh of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore went even further, describing the laser incident as a “serious provocation” in an interview with the South China Morning Post (SCMP):
“Use of lasers is as dangerous as manoeuvring one’s aerial or naval asset too close to another to cause the potential of collision – the lasers can pose a serious navigational hazard,” Koh said.
“While both [the Chinese and US navies] have the legitimate right to carry out their activities on the high seas out there in the western Pacific – including the use of these platforms to monitor each other – the use of lasers to endanger navigation in fact represents a serious provocation,” he said.
“The US Navy P-8A might have flown lower for closer observation, but I don’t think it went to the point of risking a collision with the [Chinese] warship.”
Conversely, Hong Kong military pundit Song Zhongping dismissed the U.S. Navy’s complaint as “unhappy” grumbling about Chinese ships coming so close to Guam, telling the SCMP it was “normal for a naval fleet and aircraft to send warnings to each other,” a point that is difficult to sustain when the Chinese ship used an invisible and dangerous laser to deliver its “warning.”
A Pacific Fleet spokeswoman told the Navy Times on Friday that the P-8A aircraft was forward-deployed from Patrol Squadron 45 in Jacksonville, Florida, to the Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan. The aircraft returned to Kadena after the incident and is “currently undergoing a damage assessment.” 
“U.S Navy aircraft routinely fly in the Philippine Sea and have done so for many years. U.S. Navy aircraft and ships will continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows,” the Navy stated.

This looks like a serious provocation to me.  With al their virus issues, you'd think they wouldn't want to provoke other countries, but they do this?   This demands a serious response.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Good Neighbors, Not Taxes

This is a great story!

Community Comes Together to Replace Man’s Life Savings

A West Virginia woman was shocked to hear that her grandfather lost his $6,500 in life savings, but she was even more shocked at the overwhelming support he got from people he did not even know to replace the money.
“The hurt in his voice sickened me,” Jerra Poling told WTAP when she first heard that he lost the money. “I felt light-headed and sick to my stomach. I couldn’t believe someone would do this to him.”
Poling’s grandfather, Harold Taylor, told her the money was stolen from a safe he kept on his Pleasants County, West Virginia, farm.
One of Poling’s friends suggested she set up a Facebook fundraiser to recoup the lost money. Within minutes after it was set up on Thursday, it began getting donations, many of which were outside of the local area.
“I had somebody say that a friend from Florida who had stayed at one of his cabins that he had built on his farm wanted to send a check because he wanted to send ‘cabin rental,’” Poling said.
The fund raised $9,180 as of Saturday, mostly from small donations. Poling says her grandfather, who does not have a social media account, is astonished at how it all happened.
“I’m just overwhelmed with how kind and how giving people have been,” she said.
In a similar turn of events, a British World War II veteran whose life savings were stolen in 2015 had the community on his side when they raised enough money to replace what was stolen.
This is how it should be!  People helping one another, willingly, instead of some government agency using our money to "help", and we have no say.  Awesome that so many people helped this man, and I hope the person who stole from him is caught.  

Friday, February 21, 2020

Violence from the Left, Again - Teens Targeted

Here we go again, with more violent behavior from the unhinged and intolerant Left!  Two teens on bikes targeted this time, for what?  Having pro-Trump flags.  The Left is an enemy of freedom!!

Police: Couple Ran Teen Boys off Road for Trump Flags

An Indiana couple allegedly drove a pair of twin teenage boys off a road they were bicycling along with flags in support of President Donald Trump, according to local police.

The Hobart Police Department said it brought charges against the couple — Kyren Gregory Perry-Jones and Cailyn Marie Smith — in connection to July 22 incident following a review videos shared via Snapchat. In a statement, Police Capt. James Gonzales said Perry-Jones and Smith ran the boys off the road and subsequently made threats against them.
Police say the couple shouted, “Y’all scared, just like your president … America is not great,” in the videos. According to the Northwest Indiana Times, authorities say the pair drove through several yards during the chase, shouting, “pull that flag down,” and “y’all best get home”:
Perry-Jones allegedly threatened to beat the boys up for calling 911, court records state.
In the video, Perry-Jones also said that if police questioned him about it, he would just say the boys called him a racial slur.
During the encounter, Perry-Jones allegedly drove his car through several yards, chasing them.
One of the boys told detectives Smith snatched their flag while filming the video, so they chased after the car. Only after the boys threatened to call police did the couple drop the flag and intentionally run it over with their vehicle before fleeing the area, records state.
Both Perry-Jones and Smith have been charged with two felony counts of intimidation and criminal recklessness. They were also charged with one count each of theft and criminal mischief, both of which are misdemeanors, the Times reported.
Gonzales said the charges were not filed until Thursday because there was a delay in detectives getting information from Snapchat.
Online court records do not list attorneys who could speak on behalf of either Smith or Perry-Jones.

The sick thing is, this pair has likely heard from some politicians, media people, and celebrities that attacking those who support our president is somehow a good thing.  They'll face consequences, but what about those who encourage these crimes?  When will they face their consequences?  Why are thy given a free pass? 

Better yet, how does anyone on the Left, or any supposed conservative with a bad case of TDS, defend attacking people physically for standing in support of a duly elected president? 

These people are unhinged.  I can only imagine what else they might do, since they clearly have no respect for the rights and freedoms of others. 

Why Are Cities Usually Liberal?

I've been searching for some time for an article I read once, wherein the author speculated that living in a city could actually cause people to be more liberal/Leftist in their thinking.  I haven't located that one as of yet, but did locate a couple of others that discuss the phenomenon, and possible reasons, to at least some degree.  These aren't new, but I think they are interesting, so sharing:

What Explains The Partisan Divide Between Urban And Non-Urban Areas
Last week’s election results have given Republicans, Democrats, and political observers plenty to ponder. Various pundits have commented on the increasing importance of identity politics—that for many American voters, who they are and what they are, demographically speaking, predetermines which party they vote for. To the “who” and “what” factors, there is a third factor that seems just as important: where they live.
When looking at maps of the United States showing red for counties where the Republican candidate received more votes and blue for counties where the Democrats won, one can’t help but be struck by the predominance of red. Basically, the urban metropolises are Democratic blue and the vast expanse of most of the rest of the country is overwhelmingly red. If presidents were elected by acreage rather than by head count, Republicans would win national elections by landslides.
Look at it another way: take Philly out of Pennsylvania, the Big Apple out of New York, the Motor City out of Michigan, the Windy City out of Illinois, Cleveland out of Ohio, Milwaukee out of Wisconsin, St. Louis out of Missouri, etc., and a lot of blue states would instantly be red. What explains this pronounced and hugely significant partisan divide between urban and nonurban areas?
One obvious explanation for the overwhelming Democratic majorities in big cities is the Curley effect with the corresponding concentration of Democratic constituencies like welfare recipients and unions, but there is more to it than that. The Curley effect has turned once-vibrant cities into economic basket cases, but what, then, can explain the perennial dominance of Democrats in such thriving, prosperous cities as Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco? Why do affluent, white-collar, highly educated citizens in these cities tend to be liberal and vote Democratic?
Sociologists could have a field day with this question, but the explanation could be something as simple as the fact that people who live in cities are relatively insulated from how difficult and challenging it can be to produce the food, energy, equipment, devices, etc., that comprise the affluence that urbanites enjoy. In their urban cocoons, city-dwellers take for granted the abundance and availability of the economic goods that they consume. For instance, many well-to-do, educated urbanites see no downside to supporting stricter regulations and higher taxes on energy producers, because to them, energy is something that is always there at the flip of a switch (except during the occasional hurricane, as some New Yorkers recently discovered). Life in the city for affluent Americans creates the illusion that all they have to do is demand something and—presto!—it will be there when they want it.
Affluent denizens of our metropolises see no inconsistency in supporting the Democratic jihad against “greedy corporations” and “the rich” while also expecting their every whim to be supplied, often by those same corporations and successful entrepreneurs. This is because they are removed from some of the harsher daily realities of life that confront those who are on the front lines of mankind’s ongoing economic struggle. They have forgotten that mankind’s natural state is poverty and that strenuous, heroic efforts are required to produce the astounding affluence and abundant paraphernalia of our modern, affluent lifestyles. To use Marxian terminology, urbanites have become alienated from economic reality.
Rose Wilder Lane, the daughter in the “little house on the prairie” stories who later became a globetrotting journalist (even traveling alone to Vietnam to report on the Vietnam War when she was 78 years young) remarked on the illusions that can beguile urbanites long ago. In her 1943 book, “The Discovery of Freedom,” Lane blasted urban greens and liberals, writing:
Anyone who says that economic security is a human right, has been too much babied. While he battles, other men are risking and losing their lives to protect him. They are fighting the sea, fighting the land, fighting diseases and insects and weather and space and time, for him, while he chatters that all men have a right to security and that some pagan God–Society, The State, The Government, The Commune—must give it to them. Let the fighting men stop fighting this in human Earth for one hour, and he will learn how much security there is.
Lane perceived that liberals suffer from a self-satisfied delusion about how the world works. Like the ivory-tower academics who enthuse about socialism because they have never experienced the harsh realities of socialism, so today, many denizens of our big cities are afflicted with a “metropolitan blind spot” that causes them to support irrational, ultimately self-destructive policies. Thus, America’s metropolises will continue to be painted blue at every election unless the people there awaken from their smug delusions.

A Tale of Urban and Rural: How environmental factors affect our politics.
By Eric Schnurer Opinion ContributorJuly 7, 2017, at 2:45 p.m.
Just before the Independence Day holiday, I came across an article in the Harvard Business Review entitled, "Crowded Places Make People Think More About the Future." It potentially says a lot about where we are as a country right now.
In it, Oliver Sng, a research fellow at the University of Michigan, discusses his paper, "The Crowded Life is a Slow Life." Sng's study found that people in more densely-populated areas tend to be more "future-oriented." These preferences show up even when people are induced to "perceive" they are in a higher-density situation – such as reading fictitious articles about spiraling population growth, or simply listening to recordings of crowd sounds instead of white noise.
"In more densely-populated countries," Sng wrote, "we saw less sexual promiscuity, lower fertility rates, higher preschool enrollment, and a greater societal emphasis on planning for the future versus solving today's problems." These country-to-country differences carried over to U.S. states, where people in more densely-populated ones "married later, had fewer children, and were more likely to attain a bachelor's degree and participate in retirement savings plans."
This resulted in a chart plotting states by future-focused thinking against population density – and what looks like a pretty strong correlation. In fact, the graph itself – with future orientation at the top and density on the right – almost looks like a distended map of the U.S., with the dense, future-oriented states in the top-right Northeast and sort of petering out toward the upper Midwest, with the more present-focused, more sparsely-populated states starting at the lower middle and sprawling out across the southwest.
All of which made me think about these not-so-United States these days.
In the last year or two – not coincidentally, just at the time educated liberal elites, comfortably in the ascendance under Barack Obama, began to recognize the growing backlash from who became Trump voters – there's been a surge of research finding a genetic basis for liberal and conservative political predispositions. Essentially, this research claims, liberals tend to be more analytic and reflective, more open to new experiences and different cultures, and generally smarter, more fun and more likely to enjoy Thai restaurants – all the things liberals pride about themselves.
Meanwhile, the studies comfortingly confirm that conservatives are genetically inferior in intelligence, ability to reason and learn from new experiences, and willingness to study abroad or vacation outside Florida. One can only imagine what liberal reaction to such studies would be if they'd found genetically-rooted mental deficiencies, or inherited preferences for, say, soccer, on the part of racial minorities or women – but the results have been embraced by progressives with the smugness of, well, the kind of progressives that those troglodytes out there love to hate.
But the Harvard Business Review piece (which, of course, seemed more interested in whether companies could "exploit these tendencies in, say, consumer marketing" or use them to boost worker productivity) suggests that maybe the differences that have so polarized our country politically are not so much nature as nurture – less genetic and more geographic. Sng himself actually touched on this point, in a broader, non-political way, in his very first answer in the interview. Tying his theory about population density into standard biology, he noted:
Humans pursue a slower life-history strategy than other animals do, but there is variation among us, and while some of that may be genetic, we've also evolved to respond to our environment. In crowded places, where there's arguably greater competition for resources, we might feel we need to invest more in ourselves and our kids to succeed.
I'd suggest that, in "crowded places" – or, more generally, in metropolitan as opposed to non-metropolitan areas – there's a wide range of things we might feel differently about. The need to regulate people's behavior, for instance: It doesn't matter as much if your neighbor chooses to play loud music – or shoot off his guns – if your neighbor lives five miles away instead of in an apartment directly underneath yours. Scholars of state formation, such as Francis Fukuyama, have shown that differences in community size have a great deal to do with the historical development of governance mechanisms: "States" as we know them only come into being once population density reaches a point where not everyone can essentially know everyone else and social mechanisms thereby work to keep communal behavior in check; as I've noted here before, one effect of the internet is to "shrink" the world community back down to a 7-billion person "global village" in which socialized policing and norm-enforcing is once again possible, leading to the slow, steady replacement of government regulation with dispersed "regulatory" systems like the rating of Uber drivers and eBay vendors.
The basic point is this: Environmental factors – like community size and density – not surprisingly affect the strategies organisms (like, say, people) adopt, not just for "life-history," which Sng studied, but also for every other aspect of dealing with their interactions with others. This includes fundamental questions about how to structure those dealings – centralized or decentralized, coercion by law or through social ostracism – and issues that flow from these such as taxes versus charity (our densely-populated liberal areas rely more heavily on the former, more rural communities on the latter), attitudes toward crime and terrorism, receptivity to immigration and trade, regulation of business activities or firearms, in short virtually everything.
This isn't exactly news: Cities and their hinterlands have had markedly different social and economic attitudes – because of markedly different social and economic realities – going back to the very first politics of the Greek city-states. Sng's research indicates that, whatever one's genetic predispositions, different environments engender different attitudes.
Which may mean that, if we are to remain United States, and celebrate many more holidays of shared nationhood and shared values together, we will need to learn better to accept that the other side may be coming from a different place on major issues not because these other Americans are evil or irrational, but simply, well, coming from a different place.

Interesting, and there is logic to this idea.  The article I can't locate was better, and addressed the issues more, pointing out as well, if I recall correctly, that living in close quarters, as do so many in the bigger cities,  isn't natural, and could have a profound effect on how people think. 

Here is another link with some discussion of the issue, that you might find interesting:
Why Are So Many Big Cities In The United States – Liberal?

Here is one discussing crie rates in liberal vs. conservative cities:
Crime Rates In Liberal Cities Shockingly Higher Than In Conservative Cities

Well, tell me what you think.  If you locate other articles, lease link them, and feel free to invite others to join in the discussion!  Don't forget to recommend, too.  If you haven't followed the blog yet, maybe take a moment and do so!  

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Stay-At-Home Moms ARE Working Moms!

Yet again, there is an attack on mothers who choose to stay home and raise their families.  This time, it's the British government.  This is all too common these days, and is completely unfair, and also detrimental to society as a whole.  First, the article:

Priti Patel’s ‘Economically Inactive’ Comments Betray UK Govt’s Hostility to Traditional Family

“Almost communist” comments by the Home Secretary that “economically inactive” people should be mobilised into the workplace have underlined the actively hostile policy environment for young families created by the government, and have angered a vocal group of stay-at-home mothers.
A fringe discussion around the British immigration policy debate is rapidly turning its focus towards the attitude of the government towards the much under-appreciated occupation of homemaker. As British housewives take to social media to vent their frustration at being treated so dismissively, one prominent trendsetter in the so-called ‘tradwife’ community has called the government’s stance “insulting” and “almost communist”.
Asked who would perform menial job roles as the United Kingdom pivots away from an open borders immigration system to one that focuses on issuing visas to individuals with a demonstrable baseline of skills and reasonable job prospects, Home Secretary Priti Patel cited the 8.5 million “economically inactive” people who could be put to work instead.
Yet as the BBC and others pointed out since the remarks were made, the United Kingdom is presently in a period of historically high employment, and low unemployment, so there isn’t a large pool of people looking for a job. In fact, just 1.8 million of the “economically inactive” people identified by the Home Secretary actually want a job, a very low number for a country the size of the UK — with many of the remainder engaged in studies, retired, or too unwell to work.
One of the largest groups is the nearly two million people who look after their families or a home — what would once have been simply known as housewives. The oversight has left some expressing displeasure at the suggestion that being “economically inactive” means they aren’t working as just hard, or harder, than everyone else.
Speaking to Breitbart London Thursday, Alena Pettitt — a homemaker who has become a focus for both curious attention and disgust in the mainstream media’s sudden interest in the ‘tradwife’ movement — said Patel’s comments were “incredibly insulting”.
Pettitt, who said she founded her Darling Academy as a means to help support other women who had chosen to raise families with technical know-how but had latterly found herself being forced more into the position of activist on behalf of other mothers, pointed out that stay-at-home mothers had largely chosen that role for themselves and didn’t want to be forced into work.
A stable home environment helps husbands achieve their full potential in the workplace — aiding economic growth which the government gives wives no credit for — and is the best possible way to bring up healthy and happy children, she said. Many mothers didn’t have children intending to immediately “hand them over to the state” to be raised, she said, pointing to a school system which forces value judgements onto children that may not align well with those of parents.
Pettitt told Breitbart London that it was an irony of the way government values citizens that humans are judged to have worth if they look after other people’s children or clean other people’s homes — in return for wages — but are looked down upon if they perform the exact same tasks for their own family. The only interest the government had was turning women into taxpayers, she said, following up earlier comments that Patel’s position was “almost communist”.
Noting that finding any work that would comfortably fit around school hours, school holidays, and unexpected absences — for instance in the case of an unwell family member — was already difficult, the pay in many such roles is so low it doesn’t break even with the extremely high cost burden of paying for childcare and high taxes, Pettitt added. This, she said, made returning to work uneconomical or merely break-even for many.
The comments of Home Secretary Patel, and the lived experience of Alena Pettitt and others, underline the hostile attitude of the state and the modern economy towards the family.
Taxation is levied on individuals rather than family units, meaning two individuals — even with the paltry married couple’s allowance factored in — earning a basic-income tax rate salary of £30,000 each a year pay less tax than a single breadwinner earning the same collective amount of £60,000. While the total income of that household is the same, it being paid to one individual puts the earnings into the high tax bracket instead, disadvantaging a traditional family over a “modern” one.
This deliberate policy of getting women into the workplace is working for the government. The latest job figures show clearly the fastest-growing group of new entrants to the workforce is already women, and that has been a broad trend for decades. Government figures show that while in the 1970s around half of women were in paid employment, the proportion has risen to nearly three-quarters today, an increase of millions.
While some of this growth has been driven by women wishing to forge their own careers, much is also informed by the changing economy and government disincentives for single-income families where a breadwinner is able to earn enough to keep the whole family and allow the partner to manage the home and raise children.
The British approach — which closely resembles many other Western nations including France, Germany, and the United States — is not the only model, however. Poland and Hungary, which both share a broad European culture that suggests their policies could easily integrate with the United Kingdom if there was a political desire to do so, are strongly pro-motherhood and pro-family.
In Hungary, new policies will see mothers who have four children exempt from paying income tax for the rest of their lives, while the government will give generous loans to families which would be totally written off if three children are born to a couple.
In Poland, the state is to award special pensions to show “gratitude and respect” to mothers who have raised large families, helping to secure their old age after a lifetime of dedication to the future.
These policies are already seeing benefits, with birthrates rising.
In Hungary in particular, the pro-family policies are born of a recognition of a particularly vicious cycle born of low birth rates leading to demands for high immigration — a demographic factor that returns to this particular argument to Priti Patel’s comments.
The Patel Paradox is that responding to a theoretical labour shortage by pressuring young women into work means fewer children will be born, aggravating the problem in decades to come. So far, the British response has been to prop up the economy with immigration, but supporting families is a long-term sustainable solution.
Do human beings have any value beyond being GDP production units, especially if the process of reproduction can be subcontracted abroad and then imported? Why should children be raised in families, if the state can nationalise that function? Is the Conservative party conservative in any meaningful sense of the word?
Home Secretary, over to you.
I'm frankly getting tired of the attacks.  Years ago, my husband and I made the decision for me to stay hoe, raise the kids, care for the house, and also to home school.   I'd been working, because we had then believed that we needed two paycheck, to make things work.  There was never enough time to get things done as we wanted, in the home, and there were issues with schooling as well.  As for daycare, that was an even bigger issue, with a "better" daycare place still coming with a host of problems, not to mention ridiculous costs.  I did the math, and we realized that, even with a decent paycheck, we were not actually better off with me working.  During school months, after accounting for all of the costs associated with my working, we were only clearing maybe $200 a month, and in summer, with all-day daycare required, we were actually losing money.  So, I quit.  We started home schooling, the house was manageable again, and there was a lot less stress, without twelve hours a day being lost to work, prep for work, and travel time, plus the stresses from work itself.  Home schooling was a huge benefit, as the kids learned more, and were also more content.  Safer, too.  We've raised children who know how to be responsible, who are well behaved, not promiscuous, not on drugs, not social media slaves, and who can relate to people of all ages, and treat others with respect and decency.  We saved a fortune in expenses, and there was always a parent around for the kids.  I'd call that a good outcome!

Yet there are people who refuse to see the benefits.  Not only is a woman who is at home helping her husband in his job, by creating a good environment, not only is she caring for her children, so they aren't raised by strangers, she's also adding financial benefit, and that's good for the economy.  She's saving her family money, by doing work they might otherwise have to pay someone else to do, and that means the family has more to spend.  here is the logic, as the author of the article points out, in paying someone else to care for a home and children, when one can do it herself, and better?  There is no benefit.  Lower income paid help tends to not pay much in taxes, anyway, and families with less parental supervision end up having kids with more problems, and that also causes strains to the economy.  How, you ask?  Well, for starters, these kids could act out in school, causing problems for all depending on the schools for education.  These problem kids could need counseling, which requires even more resources.  Many of these kids end up committing crimes, and that means more police are needed, and more first responders of other sorts as well.  That's all at increased cost to taxpayers.  Plus, when you have more people in the workforce, you have lowered wages, so families have less to spend, and the economy suffers yet again.  Stay-at-home wives and mothers are good for the economy!

Let's talk, too, about the claims that such women are "lazy".  Any woman who has ever been in that position knows that isn't true, for most.  Maintaining a home takes work, and that work takes time.  Dishes have to be done, floors have to be cleaned, beds made, laundry washed, dried, sorted, folded, put away, bathrooms need regular scrubbing, dusting must be done regularly, trash carried out, groceries purchased, sorted, put away, various other household needs located, purchased, cared for, minor illnesses tended, a budget managed, bills paid, pets tended, kids taken to various activities, school work monitored, hair trimmed, advice an counseling given, and on and on and on.  Mothers who stay at home do quite a lot!  Smart ones do teach kids to help with the chores, of course, but that takes time as well.  Just caring for younger children can take up a tremendous amount of time.  Why do we allow some in society to tell us we are wrong for caring for our own families, instead of paying someone else to do it for us?  Can any paid child care worker care as much for the child as the child's own mother?  No.  Not in any mormal circumstances! 

Just look at how much our society has fallen, since women have been pushed more and more into the workplace, and out of the home.  We have seen drastic increases in behavioral issues with children and teens, and a lack of responsibility in general, from people who don't value solid, strong families.  Now, I know there are many who still do care about families, strong families with a father and a mother, families with a parent who is home with the children, who prefer to care for their own, rather than handing them over to someone else.  Yet these families are under attack.  Women who choose to play a traditional role are treated as outcasts, instead of as the stable building blocks of society that we actually are.  Just as society needs men to be strong, to provide for families, protect them, and be solid guides, we also need women to be nurturing wives and mothers, to understand how important is that role, and to be appreciated for that.  Counties that provide incentives for traditional families have the right idea.  We need to see that again here.  I see a woman who raises responsible and decent children as far more important and successful than one who advances in some career, while others raise their kids. 

And, no, not trying to step on the toes of women who have had careers, and still managed to raise good kids, or who have had no option but to work, because of various issues.  I'm happy that some can manage that.  It's not easy.  For me, that wasn't the right option, and it isn't for a lot of women, and we should be appreciated just as much.  We aren't lesser because we choose to be wives and mothers.  Those are necessary roles.  We aren't here just to pay taxes, and we should not be willing to allow the government, any government, to decide how we raise our children, to mold their beliefs for us, to train them to be serfs to the system.  I've been a working mother, and I've been a stay-at-home mother.  When working, I was more than capable, values in my jobs, and intelligent enough to manage quite a number of things.  I dimply don't need that, to feel important.  I know what I can do, and I know where I am needed.  I'd prefer to spend my energy and capabilities in my own home, rather than for some employer, while someone else gets paid to manage my home and children. 

To all those moms doing the Mom job, thank you!  You are appreciated.  You are needed.  You are capable.  Don't let anyone tell you different.  To guys who have such a wife, make sure she knows she's appreciated!  We need to hear that now and then.  To any thinking about it, look at all of the factors.  When working, the added costs included additional gasoline, wear and tear on the car, a higher insurance rate since much more driving was necessary, professional work clothing, meals for while at work, daycare costs, and a higher tax bracket.  If I'd continued, we could easily have had to hire someone for maid service.  There was no spare time, as weekends were mostly spent trying to catch up.  I'd be up at six a.m., rushing to get ready for work, and get two kids up, dressed, fed, and out the door to different schools, then into traffic, with a long drive, 8-9 hours at work, another long drive back, pick up at the daycare, and lucky to be home by six p.m.  Then, dinner prep and eating, clean up, hours for homework help for the kids, maybe a few minutes to straighten up the house, ad collapse, to repeat.  Tons of stress at work, too, and tons for the kids, with daycare and school issues.  All for a job, remember, that netted at most $200 a month, after expenses.  Thanks, but no thanks! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

UPDATE - Child Murder Case Resolved

The police have finally released details on the tragic murder of young Faye Swetlik.  Horrible thing, but at least there is a resolution.  Not much good for the family as of yet, I am sure, since nothing can bring hr back, but at least we can know the perpetrator won't harm anyone else.  The story:

Faye Swetlik's cause of death was asphyxiation, neighbor abducted and killed her, investigators say

Faye Swetlik, the 6-year-old girl who was found dead last Thursday in Cayce, S.C., after disappearing from her front yard three days earlier, was killed by her neighbor who acted as the "sole perpetrator," investigators said Tuesday.
Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher said the autopsy showed Swetlik's death was a homicide and the cause of her death was asphyxiation.
She also said Swetlik died just a few hours after the neighbor, 30-year-old Coty Taylor, abducted her. She later revealed that Taylor died by suicide.
"The loss of Faye, an innocent child, who was simply playing in her own yard... has been extremely difficult to all of us," Fisher said.
The girl's body turned up in a wooded area in her neighborhood. Officials have not released information about the condition of her body out of respect for her family.
The girl got off a school bus and was last seen playing in her front around on Feb. 10. More than 200 officers from multiple law enforcement agencies searched over three days for her, knocking on doors and setting up roadblocks to question people who came in and out of the neighborhood.
Cayce Department of Public Safety Director Byron Snellgrove said investigators found a child's polka-dot boot and a soup ladle filled with fresh dirt in Taylor's trash Thursday.
That evidence led them to find the girl's body in woods that had been searched previously. Within minutes of finding her body, investigators said they found Taylor dead inside his home.
Cayce Department of Public Safety Director Byron Snellgrove said the two cases were linked. Fisher later released Taylor's autopsy results to Fox News showing he died by suicide from an "incised wound to the neck."
The girl's disappearance shocked Cayce, a small city of about 13,000 in the suburbs of the state's capital city, Columbia. Several prayer vigils took place while she was missing and after her body was found.
A public memorial for Faye is scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday at Trinity Baptist Church in Cayce.

What sort of madness or evil gets into someone, that they could do evil things to a child?  There is too much of this hatred of children in this world.  It's not sane for people to resent the young of their own species.  It's not right to prey on children.   I read comments frequently with people complaining about children, claiming they don't have any right to be in public places, attacking people with large families and calling them al sorts of names, even when those parents are doing a great job, and of course, people defending a "right" to murder an unborn child.  This is EVIL.  This is doing the work of the enemy.  How can anyone not see that?  These cases are heartbreaking.  I know readers here agree. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

California Protects Criminals

Gee, maybe if Pelosi and other idiots would stop wasting time with a fake impeachment, they could go after some real criminals.  Instead, her state protects them.

ICE: Sanctuary California Hiding Details on Accused Illegal Alien Child Abusers

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is accusing the sanctuary state of California of refusing to disclose if they plan to release a number of criminal illegal aliens, including those accused of crimes against children.
This week, ICE officials sent subpoenas to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office (SDCSO) asking for whereabout information and if the sanctuary state plans on releasing a series of illegal aliens.
“Issuance of these immigration subpoenas is necessary because the SDCSO is forced to comply with California’s sanctuary state laws, and therefore cannot cooperate in honoring immigration detainers or requests for non-public information to assist in locating criminal aliens that have been or will be released from custody,” an ICE release stated.
Specifically, ICE officials are seeking information on these four illegal aliens:
A 40-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested in December … for continuing sexual abuse of a child, lewd and lascivious act of a child under fourteen years old, and oral copulation with a person under fourteen years old. An immigration detainer was lodged with the SDSO. He has two DUI convictions, both from 2009. He has been returned to Mexico on eleven occasions between 2009 and 2011. He remains in SDSO custody at the county jail; [Emphasis added]
A 42-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested for first degree robbery … in November 2019. He has a prior conviction for possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) from 2013. A federal immigration judge granted him voluntarily departure, but he failed to depart the United States as ordered. After his November 2019 arrest, an immigration detainer was lodged with SDSO but due to California sanctuary state laws the detainer was not honored, and he was released back into the community; [Emphasis added]
A 31-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested … for battery of spouse and false imprisonment in December 2019. He has a prior conviction for deceptive government identification, 2008. U.S. immigration authorities previously returned or removed him from the U. S. three times between 2008 and 2010. ICE lodged an immigration detainer with SDSO following his December arrest but due to California sanctuary state laws the detainer was not honored, and he was released back into the community; [Emphasis added]
A 28-year-old illegally present Mexican national who was arrested for assault with force, great bodily injury, child cruelty and battery of spouse … He was previously arrested in 2017 for battery on spouse by local law enforcement. He was returned to Mexico multiple times in 2004. A final order of removal was issued by a federal immigration judge in January 2018 and he was removed to Mexico. Once again, he illegally reentered the United States. An immigration detainer was lodged with the SDSO and he remains in custody. [Emphasis added]
“The public needs to be aware and concerned that California sanctuary state laws do not protect public safety and is bad public policy,” ICE official Gregory Archambeault said.
“Criminal aliens are being released back into the community daily and most will re-offend resulting in more victims,” Archambeault said. “For ICE, the most concerning part about dealing with uncooperative jurisdictions, or places that are not allowed to work with us, is that we don’t always know who is being arrested, when they’ll be released, or if they are at-large in the community again.”
The ICE subpoenas come as Attorney General William Barr has filed lawsuits against sanctuary jurisdictions New Jersey and King County, Washington, for obstructing federal immigration law and enforcement.
At the same time, President Trump is reportedly sending about 100 “elite tactical agents” to about 10 sanctuary cities to aid ICE agents in arresting and deporting criminal illegal aliens, Breitbart News reported. The administration is hoping to increase arrests of criminal illegal aliens by 35 percent.
As Breitbart News has previously reported, sanctuary counties in California release thousands of illegal aliens back into American communities every day, according to federal immigration officials. In Los Angeles, California, for example, up to 100 criminal illegal aliens are released every day from police custody.

Sickening, that politicians and activists there will demand "rights" and protection for these criminals, and give no thought whatsoever to the people they victimize.  

Insanity on Display!!

Keep in mind, this woman is a professor.  She's teaching other people.  She needs to be committed to an asylum.

UK Professor: Only Way to Save Planet Is to ‘Let Humans Become Extinct’

Giving birth to a child is “the worst thing you can do” to the climate, says philosophy professor Patricia MacCormack of Anglia Ruskin University.
The professor, author of The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropocene who describes herself as an “old school goth,” says that the only way to save the planet is to stop having children and allow humans to become extinct.
According to the official description of the book, MacCormack “actively embraces issues like human extinction, vegan abolition, atheist occultism, death studies, a refusal of identity politics, deep ecology, and the apocalypse as an optimistic beginning.”
Due to global overpopulation, giving birth is the worst thing you can do to the planet, MacCormack sustains, while insisting that she is not advocating wiping out the existing population but rather letting it die off.
“Far from advocating mass death, genocide or eugenics, my manifesto is antinatalist,” says MacCormack. “It boycotts human reproduction due to the damage humans have perpetrated on the Earth and its other inhabitants.”
“The manifesto simply asks that humans no longer reproduce – no life is lost, no being is mourned,” she states. “If we no longer reproduce, we can care for all inhabitants already here, human and non-human, as well as care for the Earth itself by mitigating the damage already caused. It’s an activism of care.”
A native Australian, MacCormack says her opinions have been manipulated and misunderstood.
“I simply propose people not reproduce, and it automatically translated into acts of violence,” she has said.
“So, somehow, I want to kill children, which is ridiculous. Somehow, I’m proposing eugenics or some kind of ethnic population control,” she declares, “and I think that what that shows is there is an anthropocentric — or a human — impulse to read acts of grace as, automatically, acts of violence.”
“And that says a lot more about the people not reading the book and just taking over the message,” she states.
MacCormack, who moonlights as a London DJ, said that her position can be “triggering” because it forces people to confront an idea that contradicts their fundamental view of the world.
Along with her opinions regarding the human population, MacCormack advocates overcoming “human privilege” through what she calls “abolitionist veganism,” or the notion that no sentient being should be treated as property of another.
According to MacCormack, her manifesto “questions the value of human exceptionalism, asking are humans really the ‘best’ forms of life, or should we dismantle our understanding of life as a hierarchy for a more ecological, interconnected scheme of living things?”
“There are people living in the apocalypse right now — especially non-human animals — who have born into an apocalypse. They live to suffer and then they’re murdered,” she said.
Among other climate action groups, MacCormack says that those like the protest group Extinction Rebellion have the right idea but are not going far enough.
“Even Extinction Rebellion only focus on the effect this will have on human life, when climate change is something that will affect every living being on the planet,” she states.
Anglia Ruskin University holds up MacCormack’s ideas on climate, but also underscores her expertise in feminism, queer theory, posthuman ethics, animal studies, and horror films.
“Currently she is working on a new impact case study on inclusivity in mental health and criminal justice especially in relation with issues of sexual difference and Trans rights,” the university website reads.

Make no mistake, a lot of people on the Left think at least partially as she does.  This is flat out evil.  Human beings are a part of this world, created to be caretakers, and we are not parasites, not destroyers, and I am sick of hearing such nonsense from these loons.   In a sane world, she'd be in a mental institution.  She hates her own species.  That's not stable.  That's not sane. 

Persecution of Christians on the Rise in India

This is not unexpected of course, but it shows the lies of the Left, who claim only Christians are safe. 

Report: India Suffers ‘Record Number of Violent Attacks Against Christians’

A Christian nun holds a crucifix during a Good Friday procession in Hyderabad, India, Friday, March 30, 2018. Christians all over the world attend mock crucifixions and passion plays that mark the day Jesus was crucified, known to Christians as Good Friday. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)
AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.
The number of violent attacks on Christians in India has been steadily increasing during the administration of Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Telegraph reported Sunday.
The report suggests that it is precisely “the prime minister’s Hindu nationalist agenda” that has fueled the rise in attacks on Christians manifesting a “worrying trend” of religious intolerance.
New data “shows a record number of violent attacks against Christians across the country,” the Telegraph noted.
By all accounts 2019 was a very difficult year for Christians living in India, as Breitbart News has reported, and 2020 promises to be as bad if not worse. In the first quarter of 2019, hate crimes and targeted violence against Christians in India showed a jump of 57 percent over the same period in 2018, according to report released at the time by the Religious Liberty Commission of the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI).
The persecution continued unabated through the year, and Indian Christians faced one of their most difficult Christmases in memory, suffering numerous acts of targeted persecution, according to a report from International Christian Concern (ICC).
The growing intolerance toward Christians severely curbed Christians’ ability to freely celebrate the Christmas holiday, ICC said, and many were forced to adjust their Christmas celebrations accordingly, due to “a fear of being attacked by Hindu radicals.”
Sunday’s Telegraph article recounts the story of Christian pastor Jai Singh, who was assaulted by a mob of some 200 Hindus chanting anti-Christian slogans in the village of Bitchpuri, which has a Christian population of some 120 souls.
The mob, instigated by members of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), an all-male paramilitary youth wing of Mr. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), beat the pastor along with his 15-year-old son and dragged him to the village square.
“They hit me with their fists and then took me into the temple and beat me with sticks, before stretching my legs back as far as they would go,” resulting in two broken feet and permanent nerve damage to his legs, Rev. Singh told The Sunday Telegraph.
As is typical in such cases, Pastor Singh’s assailants have filed trumped-up charges against him for “attempted conversion” in an apparent attempt to silence him.
“We are living in constant fear and after hearing about the attack, many local believers renounced their faith,” Singh said.
“But for me it just made my faith stronger and I pray to God to forgive the people who attacked me,” he added.
According to the latest data, the year 2019 saw a record 328 violent attacks against Christians in India.
More than 300 Christians were detained without trial for their faith, according to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a faith-based legal advocacy organization, while numerous businesses, homes, churches, and schools were looted, torched, or vandalized. The ADF has registered a 220 percent increase in violent attacks on Christians since 2014 when Mr. Modi came to power.
Yet while 328 violent attacks were reported to officials, only 36 of these resulted in police filing a case. Not one of the incidents has resulted in prosecution.
Indian Christians trace their history back to 52 AD, when the apostle Thomas reached their shores to evangelize those living there. Presently there are some 28 million Christians in India, who comprise 2.3 percent of the overall population.

Prayers for these people, and be aware, there are those who would ee this happen in our nation as well.  

Mastercard Seeking Private Medical Data!

All, of course, for "your security", they claim! 

Mastercard Wants to Identify You by Your Heartbeat, Veins

A man's hands
Payment provider Mastercard announced this week that it is developing various technologies that will allow it to identify customers by their strides, heartbeat, and vein patterns.
According to a report by MarketWatch, Mastercard is developing biometric technology that will allow the payment provider and other companies to identify their customers based on unusual biometrics. The new technology will specifically allow Mastercard to identify customers based on the way that they walk, the unique pattern of their heartbeat, and the layout of their veins.
Ajay Bhalla, president of cyber and intelligence solutions for Mastercard, said in a short comment that the company is eager to track their user’s unique biometric data. To Mastercard, these metrics are the next evolution beyond the fingerprint scanners that have become common in smartphones.
“The way you hold your phone, which ear you use, and how your fingers touch the buttons are all unique to you,” Bhalla said. “We have been testing heartbeat, vein technology, and the way people walk to authenticate people.”
Mastercard is also looking into vascular matching technology, which identifies individuals based on the vein pattern that is identifiable on their skin. “We are looking closely at a range of modalities for biometric authentication, including gait analysis, ECG [electrocardiogram] and vein pattern to identify a user,” a MasterCard spokesman said.
Bhalla said that the credit card giant also wants to use heartbeat monitoring to identify their customers. “A user could wear a band around their wrist that measures the pulse and constantly authenticates you.”
The usage of biometrics is controversial both by governments and private companies. Facebook recently settled an Illinois lawsuit for $550 million on the topic of biometrics. According to Breitbart News’ reporting on the lawsuit:
The lawsuit began in 2015 when Facebook users from Illinois alleged that the site violated the state’s Biometric Information Privacy Act by using facial recognition software to analyze users’ photos. The lawsuit specifically related to Facebook’s “Tag Suggestions” feature which allowed users to recognize their Facebook friends from uploaded photos.
Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.

The fingerprint stuff is bad enough.  Using that to open a phone means that print is now on file, and they have it whether you ever committed a crime or not.  They push DNA "ancestry" tests, to get that on more people.  Now biometric data as well?  Any excuse to collect personal data! 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Weird Stuff Seized at the Border!!

The 9 craziest things seized by Customs and Border Protection

Drugs, fake IDs and counterfeit goods are only the beginning of what Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seize on a daily basis. Here are nine crazy things people have tried to sneak across international borders:
1. Live pigeons
Feb. 1: An Australian man was caught with two pigeons hidden in his pants on an international flight from Dubai to Melbourne, Australia.
Feb. 1: An Australian man was caught with two pigeons hidden in his pants on an international flight from Dubai to Melbourne, Australia. (AP)
Customs officials stopped a 23-year-old Australian man after they discovered two eggs in a vitamin container in his luggage. It was under his pant legs that they discovered pigeons wrapped in padded envelopes and secured to each of the man’s legs with a pair of tights. Officials also seized seeds in his money belt and an undeclared eggplant.
The bird smuggler arrived in Australia on a flight from Dubai in February 2009. Charges of wildlife smuggling carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of about $70,430.
2. Egyptian mummy linen 
Mummy linen 
Mummy linen 
CBP officers in Michigan seized five jars of ancient Egyptian mummy linen coming illegally through the northern border in May 2019.
Inspection of a shipment on a Canadian mail truck in Marysville on May 25 revealed the illegal antiquities believed to be from between 305 to 30 BCE, the agency said. The U.S. government focused on repatriating the artifacts back to Egypt.
3. Live tarantulas
Tarantula's confiscated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are shown in this December 3, 2010 handout photo released to Reuters January 18, 2011. REUTERS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Handout
Tarantula's confiscated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are shown in this December 3, 2010 handout photo released to Reuters January 18, 2011. REUTERS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Handout

Yuck! A German man in 2011 pled guilty to shipping hundreds of live tarantulas into the U.S. through the mail. Sven Koppler, 37, admitted mailing some 247 live tarantulas to federal agents in Los Angeles, who were posing as buyers as part of an investigation dubbed “Operation Spiderman,” according to Reuters.
The investigation began when a routine inspection revealed about 300 live tarantulas in a package he mailed to Los Angeles. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agents placed more orders for spiders from Koppler and were sent a total of five packages containing dozens of live and dead tarantulas. Koppler was arrested when he traveled to Los Angeles months later. He received a total of $300,000 from tarantula sales to spider fanciers in dozens of countries.
4. Man disguised as a car seat 
Enrique Aquilar Canchola, a 42-year-old Mexican national, hides in the seat of a vehicle as part of an attempt to illegally emigrate to the United States at the San Ysidro border crossing in San Ysidro, California, June 7, 2001. . HK/SV - RP2DRIDIHJAA
Enrique Aquilar Canchola, a 42-year-old Mexican national, hides in the seat of a vehicle as part of an attempt to illegally emigrate to the United States at the San Ysidro border crossing in San Ysidro, California, June 7, 2001. 
Mexican national Enrique Aguilar Canchola can be seen sewn into a passenger seat of a vehicle in an attempt to illegally enter the U.S.
Canchola was stopped at the San Ysidro border crossing in California in 2001. This was only the beginning of intricate and potentially dangerous compact spaces undocumented immigrants have tried to squeeze into to cross the U.S. border.
5. Black market bologna
In November 2019, CBP officers seized more than 150 pounds of the curious deli meat at port of entry in El Paso, Texas. The CBP said bologna is prohibited to cross the border due to its pork content. Pork products from overseas could introduce foreign animal diseases to the U.S. pork industry. The smuggler tried to tell officers it was turkey ham when questioned about the red rolls lying in the back of his truck.
6. Live songbirds
Sony Dong, 56, was arrested in 2016 for again trying to smuggle endangered “good luck” songbirds into Los Angeles from Vietnam. He was sentenced to a year and a half in prison in 2018 and ordered to pay a $5,500 fine after the judge said the conditions in which the tiny birds were trafficked -- taped to the legs and ankles of smugglers -- were “deplorable,” according to the East Bay Times.
In 2010, Dong had been sentenced to four months in prison after Customs officers found 14 live Asian songbirds, individually wrapped in cloth and strapped to his legs as he tried to pass through LAX after a 15-hour flight from Ho Chi Minh City.
The tiny birds reportedly cost a few dollars each in Southeast Asia but collect between $500 and $1,000 when sold illegally at Chinese markets in Southern California.
7. A whole pig’s head 
In this Oct. 11, 2018 photo provided by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, CBP Agriculture Detector K-9 named Hardy looks at a roasted pig’s head at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.(U.S. Customs and Border Protection via AP)
In this Oct. 11, 2018 photo provided by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, CBP Agriculture Detector K-9 named Hardy looks at a roasted pig’s head at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.(U.S. Customs and Border Protection via AP)
Hardy the Beagle, who works for CBP as an agriculture detector, discovered this roasted pig’s head and other remnants at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in October 2018. A passenger traveling from Equador was relieved of his leftovers and they were destroyed to avoid introducing foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever and other animal diseases.
8. Dead birds for pet food 
Agriculture specialists with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seized a package of dead birds from the luggage of a passenger traveling from China. 
Agriculture specialists with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seized a package of dead birds from the luggage of a passenger traveling from China. 
Just this week Customs announced that agents in Washington, D.C., seized a package of dead birds from the luggage of a passenger traveling from China. CBP agriculture specialists inspected the passenger’s bag and found the prohibited birds, which the passenger said were food for his cat. Officers seized and incinerated the deceased animals so as to avoid spreading the highly contagious bird flu.
9. Live tropical fish 
"Goldfish market in Tung Choi Street in Hong Kong, China"
"Goldfish market in Tung Choi Street in Hong Kong, China"
This may have been the most daring attempt of them all. Customs officials stopped a woman in 2005 when she arrived in Melbourne off a flight from Singapore. There they found 51 live tropical fish in plastic bags tucked into a custom-made apron tied around her waist.

"During the search, customs officers became suspicious after hearing 'flipping' noises coming from the vicinity of her waist," the Australian Customs Service said in a press release. "An examination revealed 15 plastic water-filled bags holding fish allegedly concealed inside a purpose-built apron." See the photo at NBC.

They weren't kidding wit the weird!!!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Gun Control Epic Failure - Don't Believe the Lies!!

They tell us we need gun control to top violence, that removing guns from citizens makes people safer.  Well, they lie.  Here is some of the most damning evidence of their lies:

Gun Free Britain: Nearly 10,000 ‘Gun Crimes’ Committed in One Year

The number of gun crimes committed in the United Kingdom has increased by 27 per cent in five years and the number of firearms seized has quadrupled, despite the country having some of the strictest gun control laws in the world.
Figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 9,787 crimes were committed with firearms in the year leading to March of 2019. The number of offences has risen by four per cent over the previous year and twenty-seven per cent in five years, the latest statistics available show.
Young people represented the majority of the victims, with 56 per cent aged between 15 and 34 years old. Most offences were committed in densely populated urban areas, with just five city police force areas representing 58 per cent of all recorded instances; the Metropolitan Police, West Midlands, West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside.
Thirty-three people were killed in firearm-related instances, three more than the year before, according to the ONS.
Gun seizures have dramatically risen in the UK, with The National Crime Agency (NCA) reporting that in the past ten months alone 425 guns have been confiscated, compared to 104 guns in 2017/18, per Sky News. The fourfold increase is attributed to smugglers from Europe bringing the weapons to the UK.
The NCA said that while some guns are shipped in from the United States, the majority are smuggled from Eastern Europe, leading the agency to lobby for stricter gun laws in Europe.
“It is legal to sell many of these firearms in Europe, and criminals can buy those firearms perfectly legally and they will bring them into the UK”, said Nikki Holland the Director of Investigations at the NCA.
A middle-eastern gun runner told the news outlet that it is “easy” to bring guns to Britain and that he can sell the weapons for over £2,000, four times as much as he purchases them for in Europe.
The smuggler said that he travels to France and picks up the guns from migrant camps in Calais before shipping them back to the UK.
“Someone will hide the gun in the lorry and put a tracker on it that gives you the postcode and everything,” the smuggler said.

Gee, their "gun control" isn't working very well, is it?  We are not going back to more primitive times, when ordinary people had no viable means of self defense, by eliminating all guns from the world.  That would NOT eliminate violence, as history should show anyone paying attention.  Hence we need to protect the right of people to own a gun, to defend themselves and teir families against attack, and to prevent power-mad governments and rulers from doing whatever they want.  We need guns, and this is shown every day, in places that take them away.

Common Sense Returning on Trans Issues??

Now this is interesting.

WSJ: No Sex ‘Spectrum’ Beyond Male and Female

The Wall Street Journal has issued a throwdown to the gender lobby, insisting in an op-ed Thursday that sex is binary and there is no “spectrum.”
“In humans, reproductive anatomy is unambiguously male or female at birth more than 99.98% of the time,” note biologists Colin M. Wright and Emma N. Hilton. “The evolutionary function of these two anatomies is to aid in reproduction via the fusion of sperm and ova.”
“No third type of sex cell exists in humans, and therefore there is no sex ‘spectrum’ or additional sexes beyond male and female. Sex is binary,” they assert.
As the American College of Pediatricians concurred in 2016, the exceedingly rare disorders of sex development “are all medically identifiable deviations from the sexual binary norm, and are rightly recognized as disorders of human design. Individuals with DSDs do not constitute a third sex.”
The WSJ writers are responding to what they call a “dangerous and anti-scientific trend toward the outright denial of biological sex,” which sees male and female as “arbitrary groupings.”
While sexual ambiguity does occasionally occur, the authors note, “intersex individuals are extremely rare, and they are neither a third sex nor proof that sex is a ‘spectrum’ or a ‘social construct.’”
The WSJ essay echoes concerns increasingly being voiced that modern society has rushed into a dangerous social experiment based on less than flimsy scientific foundations.
“The concept of changing one’s biological sex is, of course, nonsense, as sex is determined by unalterable chromosomes,” wrote researcher Jane Robbins for Public Discourse last October. “An individual can change his hormone levels and undergo surgery to better imitate the opposite sex, but a male on the day of his conception will remain a male on the day of his death.”
The problem with this ideologically driven approach to human sexuality is more than academic, because it often results in real-life damage to the most vulnerable members of society, Thursday’s op-ed argues.
This includes opening female-only spaces and women’s sports to biological males and trampling laws that safeguard women from discrimination in the workplace.
“The falsehood that sex is rooted in subjective identity instead of objective biology renders all these sex-based rights impossible to enforce,” the writers note.
Those most likely to be seriously hurt by such “sex denialism” are children, the op-ed contends, since secondary sexual characteristics such as voice, mannerisms, and personality type can be seen as more gender-defining than the person’s biological phenotype.
The American College of Pediatricians has pulled no punches in condemning this behavior, calling hormone treatment and surgical operations on children with gender dysphoria “child abuse.”
“The time for politeness on this issue has passed,” the authors conclude. “Biologists and medical professionals need to stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex.”
When certain scientific institutions betray their mandate by abandoning empirical fact in favor of ideology, it is time for real science to take a stand.

Well, it's about time!  Now, how about we address the insanity of shrinks claiming these people "need" surgeries and hormone treatments, and start treating this as the mental disorder it is?  Plus, add laws that prevent anyone under age from receiving any such treatment, period.  Unless a child is born with some physical disorder, that can be corrected at birth, there should be no reason to push children into this madness.