Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Would-Be School Shooter Thwarted by Brave Officer with Gun

This is how this sort of thing should always play out.  Good job officer, much better than the Coward from Broward who allowed students to be killed.

Innocents Spared as Good Guy with Gun Shoots Armed Student

No innocents were harmed as a good guy with a gun shot an armed student Monday morning at Wisconsin’s Waukesha High School.
Fox News reports the school where the incident unfolded is located just west of Milwaukee.
Shortly after 10 a.m. a resource officer entered a classroom where a 17-year-old reportedly had a gun. The officer tried to “deescalate” the situation, ordering the student to show his hands, but the student allegedly responded by keeping them in his pockets.
The student then allegedly “removed the handgun from his waistband” and pointed it at the officer, who then shot the student.
Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow was killed in the Parkland High School attack, responded to the actions of the good guy with a gun by tweeting:

A similar scenario unfolded Tuesday at Oshkosh West High School.
The Oshkosh Police Department used a Facebook post to explain:
"There has been an officer involved shooting at Oshkosh West high school. The school is currently locked down and parents can be reunited with their children at Perry Tipler Middle school. A student was armed with a weapon and confronted a school resource officer. The student and officer were both injured and transported to local hospitals."
 News 8000 reports that the armed student at Oshkosh West High School “reportedly confronted a school resource officer,” and was shot thereafter.

So, two would-be shooters stopped by good guys with guns, and no innocent people hurt, let Leftists want to rmove all guns from the schools?  How many would have been killed had there been no one armed to stop those two?   Seems that's what the Left actually wants.

Thank God those schools had armed guards to protect the students and staff, and thank God those guards were willing to do their jobs, and not hide outside. 

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