The videos:
This first one shows Arbery being very confrontational with police, aggressive to the point one attempted to use a taser. There is some bad language. Notice, he comes towards the cop several times, being quite aggressive, then claims the cop can't touch him.
Next, we will talk about Larry English, the man who owns the home which Arbery entered illegally. English now claims "nothing was stolen", but he's lying. He reported to 911 before that things were, in fact, stolen, and even that he had video of that, mentioning a too bag/box.
He's lying now to protect himself, I am sure, since threats have been made against others in this case.
Travis McMichael called the police before about Arbery:
He also mentions the previous thefts, which English did, as shown above, report.
Surveillance video shows a man that looks like Arbery inside the English house:
Another video shows him leaving the same house way back in December:
At the time this was reported, English was still lying about the thefts he'd previously reported.
This is, in case you haven't seen it, a video of Arbery leaving the same house the day of the shooting:
This is no innocent jogger. This man went to that house on multiple occasions, sometimes at night, and items were, in fact, stolen. The McMichaels had every right under the law to assume he was a criminal, and to purse and attempt to detain him, and to carry guns while doing so.
Here, a former police officer speaks about many facts in the case, and stateshis opinions on the legalities:
Solid analysis, in this video.
Now here is a video that discusses this case and another, in which an elderly white couple was actually hunted and killed, by a black man, and the media doesn't seem to want to talk about it:
Yet we are supposed to believe that that everything is against blacks, nothing a black person does is relevant, and they can do literally anything, and no one can stand against it, or they risk being called a racist? That's the real racism here.
Please, share these videos, or the blog link, so people can see the facts, and understand how the media is trying to push these racial narratives. Don't fall for the propaganda.